10 Tips To Make Every Adventure Memorable



If you love to travel, you probably have a bucket list as long as an airport runway. It feels like there is so much to see all over the world but not enough time to see it. For the passionate traveler, this can feel overwhelming. You want to see everything but you know that this isn’t possible. 

Still, just because you can’t see everything doesn’t mean you can’t make your next adventure memorable. If you haven’t had the chance to get away for a while or you want to take your kids on their first adventure, consider these ideas and tips to make the next one – and every other after that – more memorable. 

Go With An Open Mind 

Travelers are known for having open minds and this is what initially inspires them to explore the world that lies beyond the end of their driveway. However, as you get older, you may become less ambitious or daring. You might feel like you can’t cope with certain destinations anymore. If you want to make your adventure more memorable, leaving all preconceived notions at the airport is a great place to start. Rather than worry about what could go wrong, focus on the fun experiences you’ll have no matter where you go. 

Do Something New 

Many travelers have a destination that they visit every year. This place is familiar; they know everyone there; they feel safe. But, as safe as this is, they might also find that it does not inspire the same joy it once did. Seeing the same people and the same sights yearly is bound to get boring, so going somewhere new or doing something different will make your adventure more memorable.

Keep A Record 

Many travelers will keep a record of their trips. Some do it with a blog, others do it with holiday photos. If you prefer to keep your records to yourself, a travel journal is a great idea, too. However, you also have the chance to record things in ways that you could never manage before. Miniature drones are available to buy now and can give you a unique perspective on your adventure. This will give you a bird’s eye view of your destination, allowing you to demonstrate the true scope of the landscape that will leave viewers in awe.

Treat Yourself 

If you used to live the shoestring travel lifestyle, you are probably sick of sharing hostels and bathrooms. So, why not treat yourself to your next adventure? You must have somewhere you have always wanted to visit, and you can book the fanciest hotel (that you can afford) to ensure you get to enjoy some luxury. Everyone deserves a chance to put their feet up and enjoy some pampering, so treating yourself and the rest of your family is a fantastic idea, especially if your kids are older and it might be the last full vacation you ever take. 

Speak to People 

You will not get the most out of your travel experience if you don’t get to know those around you/. From fellow hotel guests to the locals and activity leaders, speaking to people is always a rewarding experience. You can find out people’s motivations for travel or discover the circumstances that brought them to this place at the same time as you. Don’t worry about the language barrier, because there are ways you can get around this. 

Get Off Your Phone 

Although your phone can help you connect with information and people all over the world or let you snap photos of the most exciting places, it can also mean you miss out on everything you could see during your trip. Knowing when to disconnect from home and put your phone away can make your trip more rewarding and memorable. You can see a range of things during your trip, and since you won’t be glued to your screen, you can be more present at any moment. 

See Things Differently 

Depending on where you go, you may have several options for how you see the country. Some people will take the car, others will fly if they are short on time. But, these are not the only options. From riding a motorbike through Vietnam to volunteering on farms in remote areas, you can see the country entirely differently from how the average traveler does. Of course, this may not be ideal if you have kids, but it is a great way to get more out of your solo travel experience. 

Go As Fast Or As Slow As You Want 

Everyone has a specific speed they want to take during their trip. Some want to see as much as possible in the shortest amount of time, while others prefer to take it easy and take in everything.v there is no right or wrong answer to this, and you can go as fast or as slow as you want to ensure you get the memorable experience you crave. 

Don’t Feel Like You’re Missing Out 

Travelers will too often worry about seeing everything, but this affects their overall enjoyment of where they are right now. Most of the time, you can’t squeeze everything in, so you’ll need to make sacrifices. These sacrifices can be upsetting, but it means you can spend as much time in other places. If you stop thinking about what you might miss, you’ll have a greater appreciation for where you are at any moment. 

Make Sure Everyone Has Fun 

Whether you’re traveling with kids, friends, or your partner, you must make sure everyone has fun. Might have a plan for every hour of your journey, but it is not all about you. Instead, you need to find a balance that allows everyone to see what they want to see and do whatever they want to do. If everyone has fun, it becomes a more rewarding experience for everybody, and you can plan your next trip as soon as you get home. 

Adventure Awaits 

Adventure is always just around the corner, but if you feel like you haven’t had a proper travel experience in a while, these tips could change that. Sometimes, you need to change your approach to travel and adventure, and this advice can make your next experience more memorable for a wide range of reasons. 


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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