Happy Friday!!

I joined the Friday Follow Linky listed on One 2 Try, Midday Escapades, and Hearts Make Families.
I blog about life, going green and recyling. I also have some great giveaways most of them eco-freindly.
Check it out and meet new friends! If you’re new to follow me or you already do, please leave a comment so I can follow you.
Have a great Friday!

Check out Friday Follow’s Latest sponsor –


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. Michelle Faith says

    Happy Friday Follow, love meeting new blogging friends! I'm a new follower.

  2. Felissa Hadas says
  3. Krissy @ ArtsyMom says

    Following on Friday follow πŸ™‚

    Have a great day!

    Life of an Artsy Mom

  4. beadsandmorebylois says

    Happy Friday Follow! I'm your newest follower. Have a great weekend, Lois x

  5. I found your blog on the Friday Follow and I'm following now! Have a great weekend!

  6. I am now following you from Friday Follow! Hope you will follow me too!

  7. Aphrodite's Mortal Friend (ME) says

    Happy Friday Follow- Yippee I've helped launch you over 700! Stop by my place whenyou can!

  8. Happy Friday Follow πŸ˜‰
    please follow back

  9. A Mom After God's Own Heart says

    Happy Friday Follow! Please follow back, if you are not already:)

  10. Happy FF! I'm your newest follower! Love your blog and am off to peek around:)

  11. Christie Cottage says

    Stopping by from "Friday Follow".
    Last week I stopped by over 100 blogs!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!



  12. Happy FF! I'm your newest follower!

    Have an awesome weekend!!

    Check out my blog and giveaways at: http://blogginmommadrama.blogspot.com


  13. Hi here from FF! I am your newest follower.

    I love the name of your blog…oh, how many times I have said that phrase! Looking forward to blogging with you!

    Halley from

  14. One 2 Try says

    Thanks for supporting Friday Follow and for mentioning our sponsor. Have a wonderful weekend. Rita @ One 2 Try.

  15. Hi – I am following you back!! Have a great weekend!

  16. Finding My Weigh says

    Following you from Follow Me Friday. Have a great weekend!

  17. fancygrlnancy says

    Happy Follow Friday! Look forward to seeing more of your site. WHen you get a chance I'd love for you to stop by mine… http://arizonamama-fancygrlnancy.blogspot.com/

  18. Just stopping to say Hi on friday follows!

    Enter my giveaway to win a pair of Freshwater Pearl Earrings
    HERE: http://whodoesntlovecoupons.blogspot.com/2010/03/perfectionscom-review-and-giveaway.html

  19. I found your blog through Friday Follow! Have a wonderful week-end!

  20. Amanda Green says

    I found you through the Friday Followers. I look forward to following your blog. It loos like you have a ton of great ideas and suggestions on your blog. Have a great weekend and come over to check out my blog when you can. http://www.the-loss-of-the-innocent.blogspot.com/

  21. Marie's Cozy Corner says

    now following you from friday follows have a great weekend.

  22. 2 kids and a cat says

    Hi, I am your newest follower from FF. Hope to see you in my neck of the woods soon.

  23. Happy Friday Follow! You've got a new follower!

    Have a great day!


  24. BluePixo Entertainment says

    Hello There, We are your new friday followers.

    Visiting from "All About Toys"