To Work or Not to Work?

This mommy has not been working full time since our move in February. It has been nice not having to go into an office and work for 40 hours a week. I’m still working…here on my blog. When Savannah goes to school, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I work non-stop for  4-5 hours. And of course in between on other days. I have no idea how I took care of this blog, worked 40 hours and laundry, dinner and all the other stuff us moms do! Some days there is just so much stuff going on!
However, I think I will be going back to an office job in August when Savannah starts school full time. She will be in Kindergarden. I love being home and working on Mommy Has to Work, but I don’t think I’m made out to be a stay at home mom. Even a work at home mom. Only because my husband is home all day too! That is a little stressful having us both home all day. I do try to keep busy though.
A new elementary school will be built in the next two years and I would love to work in the school. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, but I don’t see that happening so second choice would be to work in the school in the office. I have a ton of experience working in a medical office, so I’m thinking of taking a few courses to add to my resume. Courses such as Sage Line 50 Training, would help focus with jobs that involve accounting, book keeping and payroll courses.
While I can probably get a job at a medical office, I really think I want to wait and work at the new school. So maybe I’ll get another year at home. I’m so undecided!! Who knows? Maybe this will the year I can do a ton more here on Mommy Has to Work and then I can be a work at home mom. Maybe I can some part time job until the school opens. It was easier when I had to work then all the decisions were made for me! Just work, work, work!
Anyone not have to work, work 9-5?
This is a partnered post. All opinions and story are my own.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. i think once the boys are all in school I would like to get a job. We will see.

  2. It’s awesome to get to spend time with the kids full time at home!

  3. I’m hoping to advance my studies so I can have a career of doing something else. I love blogging, but I want a job that will help keep me more active. 🙂

  4. I love being able to stay home with my children. Now that all three are in school at least three days a week, I’m starting to really enjoy the time I get to solely dedicate to my blog.

  5. I’m torn between wanting to work and be a SAHM. I’ve always wanted to be a SAHM but sometimes I miss the interaction with coworkers.

  6. Between all my PTO/volunteer work at my son’s school and my blog, I wouldn’t have time to work outside of the home. 🙂

  7. I don’t work 9-5 and I don’t miss it LOL

  8. It’s hard to decide to quit working and stay at home when you’ve been working for a while. The other side of the coin is that once you’ve been out of work for a length of time, many companies actually shun upon those that have taken that time off. I actually had a guy roll his eyes at me when I said I took time off to raise my children..

  9. I’m thinking about going back to work too and changing career paths. We shall see. Good Luck with whatever you choose =)

  10. I think everyone has to do what works for them. Me? I love being a work at home mom. I’m not a very social person in real life. I always look and sound better in writing! I work outside the home about 8 weeks a year, and that’s enough for me!

  11. I know you have been enjoying the time with your darlings. I won’t go back to work until all of mine are in school so I am trying to remember to enjoy every minute

  12. I used to only be a working Mom but now I love being a SAHM. I guess once my 2 year old goes to school I may feel otherwise.

  13. my sons are very young so a lot of time i work from home.=)