This mommy has not been working full time since our move in February. It has been nice not having to go into an office and work for 40 hours a week. I’m still working…here on my blog. When Savannah goes to school, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I work non-stop for 4-5 hours. And of course in between on other days. I have no idea how I took care of this blog, worked 40 hours and laundry, dinner and all the other stuff us moms do! Some days there is just so much stuff going on!
However, I think I will be going back to an office job in August when Savannah starts school full time. She will be in Kindergarden. I love being home and working on Mommy Has to Work, but I don’t think I’m made out to be a stay at home mom. Even a work at home mom. Only because my husband is home all day too! That is a little stressful having us both home all day. I do try to keep busy though.
A new elementary school will be built in the next two years and I would love to work in the school. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, but I don’t see that happening so second choice would be to work in the school in the office. I have a ton of experience working in a medical office, so I’m thinking of taking a few courses to add to my resume. Courses such as Sage Line 50 Training, would help focus with jobs that involve accounting, book keeping and payroll courses.
While I can probably get a job at a medical office, I really think I want to wait and work at the new school. So maybe I’ll get another year at home. I’m so undecided!! Who knows? Maybe this will the year I can do a ton more here on Mommy Has to Work and then I can be a work at home mom. Maybe I can some part time job until the school opens. It was easier when I had to work then all the decisions were made for me! Just work, work, work!
Anyone not have to work, work 9-5?
This is a partnered post. All opinions and story are my own.
i think once the boys are all in school I would like to get a job. We will see.
It’s awesome to get to spend time with the kids full time at home!
I’m hoping to advance my studies so I can have a career of doing something else. I love blogging, but I want a job that will help keep me more active. 🙂
I love being able to stay home with my children. Now that all three are in school at least three days a week, I’m starting to really enjoy the time I get to solely dedicate to my blog.
I’m torn between wanting to work and be a SAHM. I’ve always wanted to be a SAHM but sometimes I miss the interaction with coworkers.
Between all my PTO/volunteer work at my son’s school and my blog, I wouldn’t have time to work outside of the home. 🙂
I don’t work 9-5 and I don’t miss it LOL
It’s hard to decide to quit working and stay at home when you’ve been working for a while. The other side of the coin is that once you’ve been out of work for a length of time, many companies actually shun upon those that have taken that time off. I actually had a guy roll his eyes at me when I said I took time off to raise my children..
I’m thinking about going back to work too and changing career paths. We shall see. Good Luck with whatever you choose =)
I think everyone has to do what works for them. Me? I love being a work at home mom. I’m not a very social person in real life. I always look and sound better in writing! I work outside the home about 8 weeks a year, and that’s enough for me!
I know you have been enjoying the time with your darlings. I won’t go back to work until all of mine are in school so I am trying to remember to enjoy every minute
I used to only be a working Mom but now I love being a SAHM. I guess once my 2 year old goes to school I may feel otherwise.
my sons are very young so a lot of time i work from home.=)