Walt Disney Animation Studios announces the debut of the hit arcade-game-hopping adventure “Wreck-It Ralph” marking a Disney first with the early release of the HD Digital and HD Digital 3D on February 12, 2013, followed by the 4-Disc Blu-ray Combo Pack, 2-Disc Blu-ray Combo Pack, DVD, SD Digital and On-Demand release on March 5, 2013.
Check out this cute video!!
My daughter is 16 and HUGE into video games, she loved this movie and how the characters travel from one game to another while crossing through the central terminal along the way.
Sounds great!
My 16 yo son and 7 yo daughter saw this and still rave about how good it was. They can’t wait for me to be able to rent or buy it and see for myself!
Can’t waitz!
We loved this movie. Can’t wait to add it to our collection.
Wow, that was fast!
This movie is awesome! I can’t wait to have a copy.
On DVD already! Where does the time go?
Totally looking forward to it!
My 3 year old LOVES Wreck Ralph!
We just got our review copy and are soooo anxious to see it. Love this movie!
I finally saw this and it was so cute!
Can’t wait to own a copy!
I can’t wait to watch this!
We missed this in the theaters, and it looks fun!
the boys loved this movie!
This film won the Nerdist News top film of the year! That makes me want to see it even more!
Its already on our to order list!
My boys really enjoyed this movies. Glad to know is coming to DVD soon.
This was a cute movie, we enjoyed it.
My boys and I really enjoyed this film!
Woot! I can’t wait to get Wreck It Ralph on Blu-ray!
Such a cute film!
So excited to get this!
The animation looks great – good story too!
counting down the day til this comes out we saw it in theaters and can’t wait to add it to our disney collections
YAY!! I’m so glad this is finally out on DVD
We loved this movie. So glad it’s on DVD.
We just watched this! Super cute!
One of my favorite movies!!
I just watched it Friday. So love this movie!
I’ve heard wonderful things about this. I’ll have to rent it!
Yes! It’s great for all ages!!
This really is a great movie! I am so excited to own it on DVD.