Should you quit your job to follow your dream?

This is a guest post.


It’s a brand new year and with that comes a renewed sense of positivity towards our life goals and aspirations. New Year’s Resolutions can come in all shapes and sizes with many of us deciding that this will be the year we finally pursue the job of our dreams. However, is this a realistic resolution? And should we be so quick to quit our current job in pursuit of something better?

It’s a decision which you cannot take lightly – there are many factors to take into consideration, particularly if you have family and financial commitments. There’s nothing wrong with pursuing your dream job but you need to think about the repercussions this will have. Will you need extra training or qualifications? Will your dream job mean taking a pay cut? Is the industry you want to move into a competitive one?

In the current economic climate, job stability is particularly valuable and shouldn’t be taken for granted. By all means, do the research and/or training necessary to pursue your dream job but don’t do anything drastic. If you are feeling unhappy in your current role, have a chat with your manager to see if there’s anything that can be done to improve the situation. There’s no point in making a spur of the moment decision to quit your job only to find that you have nothing to fall back on.

Talk to your partner to see how willing they are to support your career move. Perhaps they can take on extra hours while you undertake further training. Friends and family can also be a valuable source of support as they will probably know whether your predicament is simply a result of short-term job dissatisfaction or a long-term life goal. If you are spiritually-minded you might want to try an avenue such as clairvoyant readings from TheCircle to gain a little perspective on your decision and help provide insight into your future.

Having a career which is rewarding and satisfying is an important part of life. Feeling unfulfilled or undervalued on a daily basis is no good for anyone and can lead to frustration and depression. There’s no reason why you can’t pursue the job of your dreams, but go about it in the right way. Think about the impact it will have on your finances and your family. Don’t feel disheartened if the circumstances aren’t right for you to change jobs straight away. It’s a New Year so try to remain positive – good luck!


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. Sometimes the greater picture is worth the short term sacrifice, but it’s definitely important to look at everything and make sure you’re protected during the change!

  2. I feel like I kind of did this, and I’m really happy 🙂

  3. I did this and I couldn’t be happier. It was not easy but thankfully with my husbands support I have been able to enjoy my dream job!

  4. I am fortunate not to have to work outside the home. If my husband were to ever decide to quit his job to pursue his dream job, I think I would be supportive.

  5. I don’t think it’s an option for most people. Maybe more of us should reevaluate our priorities and find a way to make it happen.

  6. I don’t know that I’d chance it if I had a regular income that we needed. Making sure the bills are paid and there’s money in the bank as security in hard times I think is more of a priority to me than whether what I’m doing would be my dream job or not.

  7. I did this and it was the best thing I ever did. My husband was very supportive, too. 🙂

  8. Even after obtaining a college degree and my cosmetology license I still wasn’t happy with my career option. I am both thankful and proud to call myself a blogger now and I’ve never been happier!

  9. Sometimes it’s a lot of hard work to see your dream fulfilled. We are still working towards our dream.

  10. I ended out doing this due to circumstances that came up… like my daughter…lol

  11. I agree that one needs to consider the financial impact of the decision, especially in this economy and job climate!

  12. I did this because I calculated that my job was actually costing me money as I had to turn down higher paying blog gigs because of this. So 2014 I’m job free!

  13. That is exactly what I did with blogging, so yes I would totally do that 🙂

  14. I’m still working toward my dream and hopefully it’ll happen one day.

  15. This is a decision my husband has been thinking over a lot lately. It’s definitely a big risk!

  16. I would love to do this but I just don’t feel I can’t without making some sacrifices I’m not willing to make so instead I just do it on the side.

  17. You just have to follow your heart. When you do that, everything else falls into place.