5 Best Summer Barbecue Recipes

Summer is well and truly here, and families up and down the country are starting to light those barbecues.

The barbecue is arguably the most enjoyable mealtime of the whole year, filled with delicious food and drinks. That’s not to mention the family company and the music, making it an event that’s memorable for years.

And to make it even more so, the grub must be on point. If you’ve run out of ideas and need a little more inspiration, look no further than here!

Creamy potato salad



Barbecues are nothing without a healthy supply of side dishes. Sure, you can have a variety of delicious meats, but you need some sides too!

And potato salad is arguably the best side dish of the bunch, and I’d recommend you home-make it. Store bought potato salad usually consists of rock hard potatoes and gone-off mayonnaise, so do it yourself. For your homemade version, make sure the ingredients are as fresh as possible. That’s why store-bought tastes awful – it’s not fresh!

To do it, pre-cook your potatoes the day before and leave them to cool. On the day, mix them with a healthy serving of mayonnaise and some chopped spring onions, to give it a crunchy flavor. Then put it back in the fridge until needed!

The classic cheeseburger



Ah, the cheeseburger. It’s been a staple of family barbecues for years and years, and with good reason. To get the perfect burger, heat your bun for a few minutes until it’s golden brown. Add the burger, red onions and tomatoes, and slap on some cheddar cheese for that melty look.

In all honesty, you could use pretty much any kind of burger here. Lamb, steak, chicken, beef, etc. In fact, the main problem you’ll face here is finding enough cuts of meat to supply your whole family! Luckily, there are ways to combat this, though. A supplier like Donald Russell allows you to quickly buy meat in bulk, so you can ensure you have enough to go around.

Grilled sausage and apple subs



Sausage and apple? Preposterous, I hear you say! Well, before you dismiss the idea, give it a go. You’ll be surprised, I guarantee it.

You’ll want to buy some miniature subs, cut them open and butter them. Next, cook your meat and apple on the barbecue to taste, and slot them into the subs. Season with pepper, salt, or anything you desire. And there you have it! A delicious, healthy treat that I bet most of your guests have never tried.

Vegetable pizza




Another side dish, this vegetable pizza is a good idea for the non-meat eaters in attendance. You can either buy a ready-made pizza base, or make your own. Whatever the case, add some tomato puree and vegetables of your choice.

Think red onions, potatoes, carrots, leeks, and mushrooms. Whack it in the oven until the base has turned brown and crisp. Then serve up!

Buttermilk chicken



Buttermilk chicken makes the chicken taste ever so juicy, succulent and buttery. You’ll need to buy or make some buttermilk, pour it on the chicken and refrigerate it overnight until it sets. Then preheat the oven to 400 degrees fahrenheit, and bake until golden brown.

This usually takes a good 40 minutes, and is a good way to cook food while the barbecue is occupied. This way, you can have a constant supply of things to eat, rather than exclusively grilling things.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. These sound delicious! Looking forward to trying some new recipes this summer!

  2. I love how creamy that potato salad is. That chicken looks great too!