Top Ways To Reduce Stress This Christmas


Image Credit: Daria Yakovleva from Pixabay.

Christmas is a magical time, but a lot of work goes into that. Between buying presents, planning out parties and other activities, and much more, it can often feel overwhelming. That could end up in a lot of stress.

Nobody wants to go through that, so you’ll want to get rid of this as much as possible. Planning things ahead of time will be the most recommended way of doing so. You should focus on a few particular areas when you’re doing so.

While you could still feel a little stressed, it should be minimal compared to what your stress levels otherwise would have.

Avoid Stressful Situations

You’ll know better than anyone what will cause you to start stressing. It’s worth avoiding these as much as you can. If you’re able to plan this in advance, then that could be recommended. Deciding not to host a party, for instance, will cut out a lot of stress.

The same can be said for multiple other things involved in the big day. That could also mean avoiding certain relatives or other people. While you’ll need to be tactful with this, it can be more than worth it.

Simplify As Much As Possible

One of the easiest ways to reduce stress this Christmas is to simplify whatever you can. You can focus on quite a few things with this. Dinner on the day itself could be one of the more important areas.

If you want to make sure everything’s high-quality but relatively low-effort, you could look up a few recipes online. Looking up how to make buttercream frosting from Preppy Kitchen, alongside a few other recipes, can cut down on your preparation and cooking time.

While you’ll still have to put in some effort, it’ll be much less than many other meals. The meal itself will be just as good, if not better.

Set Aside Time To Relax

When most people plan out their Christmas activities, they focus solely on what they need to get done. You’ve likely done the same thing before. If you have, you might’ve found that you’re still rushing around and don’t have much time to yourself.

Everyone will naturally want to avoid that. You could find yourself running around too much otherwise. That’s why it’s vital to set time aside for yourself. Taking the time to relax is more than recommended throughout the holiday season.

You might find that that’s easier said than done. It could be worth learning to say ‘no’ to some things. If you don’t, you could find yourself getting overbooked relatively quickly. Between that and running around to different activities, you’ll be much more stressed than you’d want.

Turning things down, provided they’re something you don’t have the time for or don’t want to go to, will avoid that. Combined with each of the tips above, that could reduce your stress levels quite significantly during the festive period.

Between that and the positive aspects of the holiday, there shouldn’t be anything stopping you from enjoying yourself.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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