5 Tips to Protect Your Small Business

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When you are running a small business, chances are you do not have a lot of spare money to help you recover from various disasters, which is why you need to do everything you can up front to ensure that your business is as protected from various negative incidents.

With that in mind, below, you will find a few important tips to keep your small business protected now and in the future:

  1. Take cybersecurity seriously

These days one of the most likely things to bring your business down is a cyber hack. cybercriminals are always on the lookout for businesses who have not fully secured their systems, which they can take advantage of to access important data such as customer payment details. Luckily, there are lots of things you can do to mitigate against this. The Smartest Person in the Room, for example, outlines a simple 7 stage cybersecurity plan that will help you avoid attacks. Learn what you need to do and put it into action if you don’t want to end up with a major crisis on your hands.

  1. Hire a great attorney

Whether you are incorporating your business or drawing up contracts, it is really important that you hire a competent business attorney to ensure that you stay on the right side of the aw and leave no ambiguity in anything you say or do. Litigation against businesses is so very common that it is easy to end up in the wrong side of a lawsuit, but it f you have a good attorney by your side, this is far less likely to be a problem for you.

  1. Ensure you are separate from your business

If you want to protect your business and yourself from litigation and debts, then you should definitely incorporate your business as limited liability partnership so that you and your business are classified as separate entities and the troubles of one cannot affect the other. Doing this is as simple as filing the right paperwork, so there really is no song not to give yourself this extra protection.

  1. Perform background checks

As a small business, you cannot afford to hire the wrong person. Every cent you spend needs to be accounted for and you need to get the most value from your employees or your company could very quickly sink. That is why it is a really good idea to fully vet candidates not only for competence but for good character so you can be sure they will work hard and pose no security risks to your company going forward.

  1. Get insured

As a small business you should have public liability insurance and errors and omissions insurance as a minimum, so that if things do go wrong, it won’t be you but the insurance company, who covers the cost, hopefully enabling you to stay in business for longer.

As you can see, there ree lots of things you can do to protect your small business, so put as many of them into action as you can and stay safe and successful!


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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