Healthy Eating – It Needn’t Cause Stress


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Let’s face it; we could all benefit from adopting healthier eating habits. Unfortunately, it’s not always as easy as finding the motivation. For most people, making a conscious effort to improve their approach to nutrition will be a very stressful situation.

However, with the right strategies in place, it is possible to remove those sources of stress. Here’s what you can do to make healthy eating far easier on all the family.

Master healthy drinks

Before implementing new foods into your diet, it is possible to see big changes through your drinks choices. Simple steps like not having sugar in your coffee or trading soda for water can make a big impact.

If you are struggling to get enough fruit and veg in your diet, smoothies are ideal. It does mean that you’ll need to take the natural sugars and calories into account. Still, it is a great way to fuel your body with the right vitamins and nutrients.

Besides, it’s likely that those beverages will help you feel fuller for longer. As such, they are the perfect starting point for a new approach to eating.

Look for quick healthy foods

When looking to adopt a healthier approach to eating, cooking from scratch is an ideal solution. It encourages you to track what you’re eating and make smarter food choices. Sadly, it does also require more time.

In today’s fast-paced society, this can cause issues. Thankfully, focusing on ideas like this simple chicken paillard recipe allows you to create healthy meals in next to no time. Meanwhile, batch cooking sauces can be another wise move.

You might spend a few hours making the sauces today, but they can last for weeks. Better still, you will avoid the preservatives of store-bought items.

Don’t sacrifice taste

Staying motivated during the first few weeks of a diet is easy. If you don’t enjoy the foods, though, you will struggle to maintain that motivation. If you have spent a lifetime bouncing between diets, this is probably why.

While the chicken paillard, for example, is a great choice, you must also consider treats. Low sugar desserts and snacks can become a central ingredient in the recipe for success. Alternatively, you can simply learn to focus on portion control.

One way or another, you should be able to enjoy food. When you do, your hopes of sustaining your success are greatly improved. 

Make healthy eating cheaper

Finally, there is no question that perceived costs are a major stumbling block for many families. It will be an even bigger issue now that living costs are noticeably higher. But healthy eating can be affordable.

There are many ways to reduce your costs. Bulk buying dry ingredients, managing your food waste, or growing fruit and veg will work wonders. As well as reducing your food bill, it can add to the direct enjoyment of healthy eating.

Above all else, you must stay consistent. Otherwise, doing great things during the weekdays could be undone by poor decisions at the weekend.



I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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