Yeah, I’m having my very first giveaway!!
I’ve talked about Terracycle before and how they take non recyclable materials and turn them into cool products. Well Terracycle has sent me some of their products to give away to my readers– you!
Here’s what you need to do to win the above bag. The bag is made of used Kool-Aid juice pouches.
There are five ways to enter. Leave a comment for each entry.
1) Leave a comment and tell me one thing you are doing to “be green”. Leave your email so I can contact you if you win.
2) Subscribe to my blog. If you already do tell me, leave a comment telling me you did so. Don’t forget your email.
3) Follow my blog. Again, leave a comment and email if you did or already do.
4) Go to and tell me one thing you learned about them or a product you like. Leave a comment and email.
5)Blog about this giveaway and leave a comment with the link.
Good for US residents only.
That’s five chances to win! Good luck!
I will pick a random winner on July 25th. The contest will end July 24 at midnight EST. ( I will not share your email with anyone)
I read about your blog on Nickels n Dimes–great giveaway. How I'm green: Instead of just recycle, I try to re-use first. Using tin cans as planters and I've been experimenting with fusing plastic shopping bags.
What I do to be green.. I actually save the Stoneyfield's Yogurt containers that my DH eats every morning for Terracycle and when I get 60 of them (about 2 months worth) I turn them into my local Walgreens who is a Terracycle drop off.
You have my email 🙂
I have stopped using plastic bags and I recycle.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow – janetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
They have a wonderful site! I like the TerraCycle Wild Bird Premium Feeder.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I always bring reusable bags when I go shopping. I try to reuse items as much as I can.
Great giveaway. How I'm green: just a concentrated effort of the 3R's and teaching the same to my family. I've drastically reduced the amount of plastic bags used.
forddarlene (at) hotmail (dot) com
So glad to be a part of your blog
I visited the TerraCycle website and am impressed with their line of products which include biodegradable pens! I also loved their drink pouch products … especially their lunch box!
I'm an e-mail subscriber.
Hi, how exciting, your first give away. I sure hope I win this one.
I have been collecting rain water everytime it rains and use on all of my plants, I am saving up for a rain barrel.
I am also making my own compost.
I also am learning how to reuse grocery bags, I want to make a rug out of them.
Debbi R
I subscribed by email. I learned about your site at Nickels and Dimes.
I wish you all the luck in the world with your blog. Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway.
We recycle everything we can here in North Idaho and then drive the rest over to Washington! We also try and buy everything we can that is recycled. We use energy efficient bulbs. We have five kids and one is my hippy earth child she keeps us on our toes! Thanks for the chance what a great giveaway.
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We recycle everything we can, we even had to end up calling the recycling company to get more bins because we were recycling so much!
I'm not using plastic bags. I use paper bags every time. I segregate my garbages as recyclable and non recyclable.
Cool bag and great concept. Our way of being green around our household is to reuse bags, compost all biodegradeable stuff, and to donate more reusable stuff to charities.
This is my new collectible…recyclable bags. I love doing something good for the enviroment while also satifying my collecting bug. Good luck with your new blog
i currently use reusable bags when i go shopping. I found you through nickels and dimes.
I go green by using small platic ziploc containers to pack fresh fruit for my families lunches.
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I like the oreo messenger bag.
Great blog! In our house, we no longer use plastic or paper bags at the grocery store. Instead, we have a bunch of old totebags that I picked up at the thrift store for 10 cents each. I keep those in the car so I don't forget them for grocery shopping and errands.
I try to be green with my cleaners, light bulbs, use of electricity, etc. I am learning more and more about it everyday.
I subscribed to your email feed.
I've been using washable microfiber towels
I no longer use plastic bags when I go grocery shopping. Any plastic bags I do end up with (sometimes I forget my bags when I go to craft stores, etc), I use as bathroom garbage liners. They fit perfectly into the small trash cans.
babyfeb19 at yahoo dot com
I follow you 🙂
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I found your website thru Nickel & Dimes, good luck with your new blog! I'm going to subscribe to it. How I'm green—I would say that I've been green for a long time, and I'm finally getting my family and friends in on it! My children (5 & 2) will even tell someone that they should recycle something instead of just throwing it away! lol! We recycle everything that we can, make our own compost for our flower beds and garden, and here recently starting collecting rain water to water the beds and garden. Also, I'm implemented a recycling area at my work to recycle soda cans, and any paper that we don't have to shred for privacy purposes.
My email address is
I love Terracycle! That is one way that we are green, we recycle our juice pouches. my son would love to have a bag made out of juice pouches!
Hi ~
Just found out about your blog through nickels and dimes! Can't wait to check it out! There are several things I do. 3 Rs, use reusable bags when shopping, use cloth napkins more frequently and to save on energy costs and having to replace my roof every 30 yrs, we just had a metal roof put on our home. Love it! I would love to have this bag – very cute!
Thanks for all you do to help us save money!
I just subscribed!
Looked at terracycle. Never heard of it before now. I think it's awesome that I can get paid to recycle my energy bar wrappers!
We have been recycling here for many years, but recently we are trying to go a little greener. We try to re-use whenever possible and look for items with recycled packaging etc.
Thank you for offwering this give-away.
Just suscribed to your blog…
Pam 🙂
Love TerraCycle, signed our PTO (I am an officer) to collect juice pouches, cookie wrappers, Kashi containers, etc.
Thank You,
Pam 🙂
I really like the Terracycle Plant Pots made from upcycled/recycled materials!!
We do a lot to be "green".
One thing is I ALWAYS use reusable shopping bags, I even bought net ones for produce.
We also recycle as much as we can and for a family of 6 have less than one trash can of garbage a week, but our recycle bin is always overflowing!!
We also collect and recycle paper and put it in the dumpster at the school and they get money for every ton collected.
I am also in charge of the PTA's Terracycle account and we collect everything they allow, we do the best with the juice pouches.
I recycle our newspapers by dumping them in the bin at my son's school as they receive money for it. Additionally we reuse plastic bags here instead of throwing them away.
cent_saving_mom (AT) morethancents (DOT) info
What a cool giveaway!
My favorite way to be green is to recycle my kids school papers — not in the recycling bin, but in my printer. I love to print my coupons, grocery lists, coloring pages on the back of the older kid's school papers. It's fun to go to the store and have a kid have a great memory of class because it's on the back of the grocery list.
Thanks for offering this contest. Hope we win.
I've been trying to buy more environ. friendly cleaners.
Cha Ching Queen
I have made my business green. My new 'green' thing to do this year was to switch to using greener shades dyes… dyes with no heavy metals, for all of my yarns.
I have recycled all plastic food bags to the grocery store and we bought enough cloth bags to keep 4 in both cars, 2 on our bikes and gave 20 to the local food bank so that their clients could recycle as well. Now we won't forget them when we go shopping, or to the library etc.
I try to recycle everything!! Reuse what I can. Really try to keep unnecessary things out of the landfill
lavery328 at yahoo dot com
I blogged about this giveaway!!
we have started recycling around the house, we have plans for a garden and we try to do all our shopping during one trip to save gas
We always use reusable bags for shopping, never paper or plastics.
We recycle plastic (bottles and bags), as well as newspapers.
Hey thanks for stopping by my blog, I saw you were having a cool giveaway and want to enter.
We are being green by, shopping in season, for local produce and food when possible. We recycle, and use products that are earth friendly as often as we can. My favorite ways to be green are to reduce reuse and recycle.
One thing Am doing to "be green" is I recycle Mountain Dew,Pepsi and more other plastic bottles and cans!
iljaze (at) gmail (dot) com
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iljaze (at) gmail (dot) com
The product I really like is the Juice Pouch Pencil Case!
iljaze (at) gmail (dot) com
I use reusable bags when I'm shopping and recycle.
It's neat you get paid to send in your wrappers.
Congrats on your first giveaway! Thanks!
To go green I use reusable bags when I shop!!!
We don't buy bottled water anymore-each of us have our individual water bottles to use
reusable bags when we go shopping
blog follower
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This is a great site! I am new to you as well! In my house we are big into reusing items. We go through 6+ gallons of milk a week so we cut and reuse the milk cartons and the kids plant vegetable seeds. They love the fresh herbs and veggies and they love to tell people they're recycling AND reusing!
Thanks again!
I have subscribed to your site! Thanks!
oh my gosh it's so cute!!
lately I've been recycling A LOT more and also I've been using the reusable grocery bags (when I remember them!)
mr2spydergirl at yahoo dot com
We recycle as much as possible, and the kids are picking out alot of recycleable stuff for school!
Following your blog
I love the Wild Bird Feeder, the kids love to look for pretty, unusual birds in the yard!
Found your blog from Nichole's Nickels. I compost my kitchen waste.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
I would like to have one of their rain barrels for watering the garden.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
I love Terracycle! I am doing a couple of things to be "green"… I use my reusable shopping bags at the supermarket, we no longer use paper plates, or drink bottled water. The plastic bottles we do have (gatorade), I have been saving to use as storage for small items (buttons, beads, pencils, crayons, etc.). I also have a small garden in the backyard. 🙂
I am a bag junkie… so I really love all of their bags. But I would probably use any of the gardening stuff too! 🙂
I am following you. 🙂
I am subscribing to your blog. 🙂
Growing my own fruit and vegetables!
kelli at pfrog dot net
I compost and have an organic garden.
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
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oheeyore at hotmail dot com
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oheeyore at hotmail dot com
I learned that they have organic fertilizers… I'd like to try one of those!
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
This mama has to work too!
Way cool site Girlfriend!
endoftown at comcast dot net
What a great first contest!! I always use my own re-usable bags for groceries.
I just subscribed to your blog.
We've recently planted our own vegetable garden 🙂
contact me at:
I follow your blog!
contact me at:
I like Terracycle's Natural Window Cleaner
contact me at:
We recycle, have a garden, and compost!
I've been using vinegar and water as a natural cleaner
What a great giveaway!!
We recycle as much as we can with a great curbside pickup program. I also buy all kid stuff used (and get many handmedowns from friends), and I give away or sell the stuff my daughter no longer uses. I buy my own clothes (except underwear and shoes) at thrift stores as well.
RSS subscriber
Pretty cool that the company was founded by Princeton students who had the courage to turn down $1 million in seed capital because they didn't like the way the company was going to force them to go. That's pretty great integrity …
I'm also now following you!
We re-use everything we can. I'm one of those crazy ladies that washes out zip lock bags and reuses them.
meghitt01 at
I use reusable bags at the grocery store so they don't have to pack my groceries in the plastic bags.
I was amazed by all of the product wrappers that Terracycle reuses.
I don't buy anything with excess packaging, and never buy paper napkins, paper plates, or paper towels any more.
blog follower
From Terracycle I like the Wild Bird Feeder.
I recycle everything!
Terracycle recycles so many things other than drink pouches!!
I recycle and walk to more places then I drive too 😉
jrerwin6 at gmail dot com
I am venturing into making my own baby food, to cut down on the amount of plastic and glass I throw away.
Subscribed to your blog!
Following your blog!
I learned that they credit you .02 per pouch and donate that to a charity of YOUR choice!
This is a great blog!
Nice to see a lot of people using re-usable bags for groceries. H
ere in Seattle, we just banned styrofoam and are voting in August to pass a $.20 fee on all plastic AND paper bags at groceries, that will go toward recycling programs and education or back to the store if it's a small store. Let's hope it passes!
I'm actually slightly embarassed about this one, but I clean out ziploc bags and re-use them. I buy the freezer ones when I have to because you can get more uses out of them.
Trying to grow some of our own (organic, of course) food.
dangotmail AT yahoo DOT com
Great giveaway. My 11 year old daughter's fave t-shirt is her reduce-reuse-recycle shirt! This bag is just MADE for her and I would love to win it for her. She not only reuses but she regularly 'goes thru the trash' at the public pool/sports places, etc to collect bottles and cans to take home and recycle! She is going to suggest TERRACYCLING to her 6th grade Montessori class as a fun fundraiser for the school!! Thanks and go Terracycle!! We use Laptop lunch (no trash lunch), reuse ziplocs, use pretty kitchen towels to wrap gifts….etc,etc