My Yard Sale Finds

I didn’t take pictures like I had wanted, but here’s my bounty from last weekend. For under $20.00 we got several Christmas presents for my children.
A baby stroller (needs a little scrubbing)$1.50 – will save for Christmas
A Blue’s Clue Movie (VHS) $.50
A Blue’s Clue plate $.50 (Savannah used it at dinner)
A Blue’s Clue toy $.50 ( notice a theme? Savannah loves Blue’s Clue!!! )
3 books for Hunter $1.00 – will save for Christmas
Multiplication flash cards for Hunter $.50 – will use in the fall for third grade
Pool float for Savannah $.25
Xylophone for Savannah $2.00 – will save for Christmas
A princess mirror, brush and comb $.50 – will save for Christmas
A shirt for Savannah for next year $.50
A basket for me for storage $1.00
A book for me for my sanity $1.00 ( hubby paid for it, I wouldn’t have paid a dollar)
A princess chair for Savannah ( who else, the princess)$4.00 – not sure if I’ll save it for Christmas
2 rackets $2.00 (Hunter bought with his own money)

Then this weekend we had our own yard sale!! We made about $60.00, but we had fun and got rid of a lot of stuff and we also got more stuff too.
My neighbor saw me setting up and decided to have one too. She was getting rid of a lot of girl stuff. I got a baby and baby clothes to go with the stroller above, another Blue’s Clue movie, some books and a toy storage rack. It’s white wood with colored plastic bins, a really nice piece of furniture. And some little dishes and some plastic food, not alot, about one bin full, I’ll probably save those for Christmas. Oh and 3 skorts for Savannah to put aside for a few years. They were a quarter a piece, I couldn’t help myself.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. Stuff could always be worse says

    I love yard sales, we just about furnish our house with what other people do not want.

  2. Sounds like you found some great stuff!

  3. You got some really great stuff for cheap! I love yard sales.

  4. Whiney Momma says

    Awesome. Sounds like some really good finds. Now you have me in the mood for some yard sale shopping this weekend!

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