Sometimes it’s not worth arguing over clothes, right? She looked cute anyway. The teachers all knew she dressed herself, though. 🙂
A working mom trying to do it all ....and succeeding!
I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!
Hey there! My name is Anne and I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here, I work as a floral designer, I started a non-profit and am very active in my community. I have been enjoying single life, dancing and visiting new places. I enjoy music, reading, traveling and spending time with my family. We have 2 cats and 1 dog.
I can't wait to see where we will go next!
Copyright © 2025 Mommy Has To Work
I think I saw Kate Hudson wearing the same outfit in a copy of US Weekly the other day. She's very fashion-forward!
Aww, she does look cute! I agree that it's seldom worth arguing over clothes.
If it makes her have a happy day, it's all good.
She has her own style.
Haha, what a cutie! You should see some of the things my 6 year old comes up with.