I Love My Keurig!!


I was never really into coffee until about six months ago. I started getting flavored coffee at one those chain stores. I always got the vanilla latte and usually got it cold. Yumm! I have a hard time drinking hot drinks when it’s hot outside.

But it’s gets kinda pricey buying all of those, so I was super excited to be able to review a Keurig machine. I received the Mini Keurig which was great as it’s only me who drinks the flavored coffees. My hubby only drinks one kind and one kind only and it does not come in a k-cup.


Anyway…I’ve been using this for a few weeks now and LOVE it! Here’s a picture of my Keurig with my new travel coffee cup.


I’m only able to make one cup at a time, which is fine. I’ve even become a little frugal and ran water through twice for one k-cup. The second cup still tastes great!


My Keurig is very easy to use and small enough not to be a bother on our counter top. We have so much already on the counter, I was afraid to place another item.

Here’s a side view.


You know what I think? Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and this would make an awesome gift for a coffee lover! The Mini Keurig retails for $99.95. Not bad for an awesome coffee maker.


Have you tried the Keurig? Do you like it?




I received product in order to facilitate this review. Opinions are always my own!



I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. I don’t drink coffee, so I don’t have one.

  2. I LOVE my Keurig and my Tassimo! I’m not sure how I lived without them.

  3. I have a Keurig and a Tassimo. They both get used every single day!

  4. I love my Keurig too! I have no idea how I lived without it. I’m not a huge coffee drinker so I use it for Hot Chocolate pretty much every day this winter! <3

  5. This looks awesome!

  6. That is my dream machine! Very nice.

  7. I want one! I gave one to my mother for Christmas and she adores it! So glad you like yours! 🙂

  8. I need a Keurig BIG TIME. I’ve got a Senso and a Tassimo, but have had coffee from the Keurig and I find that it gets hotter than these, so the coffee is more flavorful.

  9. I have a Keurig and love love love it! By the way, did you know that you can buy a fillable K cup now. Just place your husbands coffee in it, brew and he gets his coffee on demand! 🙂

  10. I so badly want a keruig

  11. Jessica F says

    I’d love a keurig but I don’t think I could justify buying all of those k-cups…

  12. Carol L says

    I love the red color and the best feature for me is the size. Like you have so much on my counter I feared putting another appliance on it. But this would be perfect. I have the Tassimo. Thanks for your review and the pictures.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  13. Keurig are so cool, I might have to buy one!

  14. A Keurig is on my dream wish list!

  15. I LOVE MY KEURIG! I’m addicted to coffee, but I was spending way too much money at Starbucks… here’s my Keurig story: http://www.weartostandout.com/blog/keurig xoxo, WearToStandOut

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