Time for a Summer Purse?

Summer is right around the corner! A great time to get that chic summer purse!

Did I tell you about the new purse I got recently? Funny story….

My son and friends were dumpster diving in a neighboring community and found girls clothing, air-soft guns and toys. My hubby and I came looking for them and I was checking out the dumpster and it’s goodies. We found girls clothing, toys and a Smurfette Build a Bear stuffed animal. Also inside I could see what looked like a Vera Bradly purse. I had one of the boys get it for me and YES it was a Vera Bradly!! It looked brand new!

I took it home and and threw it in the washing machine and let it air dry. I’m telling you… it looks like  I just bought it!

I love the colors and inside has little pockets for cards. It’s perfect to take along to the parks or some light shopping.

If your not the dumpster diving type, check out Boticca.com. They showcase Handbags by independent designers.

They have styles and shapes for everyone. Like this le Icon handbag by Dareem Hakim.

I like this handbag- the Floret Envy.


I love the pink and orange design on the front cover.


Will you be buying a purse for the summer?




This post brought to you by Boticca.com. Opinions are my own.



I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. Lucky find!

  2. I really need a summer purse. Love the one you found!

  3. I have a ton of purses…and of course I want a new one for summer too!

  4. Love the choices!

  5. It’s really cute.

  6. These are so cute! I love the teal one!

  7. I have so many purses… I typically save my lighter purses for summer.

  8. I will admit……….I am a purse addict. Never enough for me
    Cute find lucky you !

  9. I love getting a new purse and that one is super cute.

  10. Wow I really love that last one! So cute!!

  11. Cute purses all around … And i can’t believe someone threw that Vera Bradley away!!!

  12. The Floret Envy is my favorite!

  13. Very summery!

  14. Wow, what a find! I’ll be using my Pami Pocket this summer!

  15. I need a new summer purse!

  16. You got that in a dumpster? Score! Your son must have been ‘working’ in a very swanky area. Congrats! I love the colors and style of that purse too. I need to get some new purses but have discovered I’m shopping challenged as I have no foresight of fashion accessories that will work with several outfits.

  17. I just got a bright yellow purse from hubby for summer 🙂

  18. Wow, can’t believe you found that in the garbage.

  19. funny that you mention this I was shopping for one all week and still have not found something I fancy for all summer. SO I’m still shopping

  20. I’m looking for a new summer purse, too.

  21. so cute. and I love the orange and pink one.

  22. I love purses and have so many different ones. My husband isn’t so excited about the as I am.