Twitter Party with Walmart!! 8/2 7PM EST #TaxFreeFL

I’m excited to announce that I will be hosting a #TaxFreeFL Twitter chat with Walmart on Thursday, August 2, from 7 to 8 p.m. Eastern!


Like several other states, Flordia offers days with no state sales tax on certain items to allow families to stock up on items for back-to-school. Florida’s tax-free dates are Friday, August 3, to Sunday, August 5. I’ll be hosting a #TaxFreeFL chat to give fellow Florida moms a chance to share their game plans for the sales tax holiday and their top tips for back-to-school shopping. We’ll be discussing ways to make the most of this important weekend and how to get the kids off to school right.

Plus there will be giveaways!!


Want to join? Follow me, @mommyhastowork and @Walmart on Twitter, and mark your tweets using the hashtag #TaxFreeFL between 7 and 8 p.m. Eastern on Thursday. See you there!


For more info, visit


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. Yay for tax-free! Watcha buying?

  2. Sounds like fun, I hope I make it!

  3. We don’t have sales tax in Oregon so I know that people will enjoy those tax free days 🙂

  4. Awesome!

  5. Can’t make it. The kids are doing their swimming lessons at night now.

  6. I wish my state would have a tax free day.

  7. I’m totally missing this as I will be in NYC!

  8. Ana Oliva (@ana_oliva1) says

    I’ll be there and thanks for the info! I’ll def be shopping this weekend then here in S. Florida @ana_oliva1

  9. @KIMboZINNI says

    @KIMboZINNI I’ll be there!

  10. Stephanie S says

    @slstaffo or @slstaffo_jail will be there!

  11. Darn, I don’t think I can make it. I’m at BlogHer.

  12. Sounds like fun! Too bad I missed it.

  13. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Paula Caudill says

    See ya there @sexyknickers68

  15. Sounds like fun! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Can’t believe I missed it. I’m used to twitter parties starting at 9pm. SHOOT

  17. Darn I missed this. However I am hitting tax free weekend this weekend. Love tax free.

  18. Sorry I couldn’t be there, and as much as not paying taxes would be nice I stay away from Walmart during that weekend WAY to crowded.