Touchstone Crystal Division of Swarovski has launched a Holiday Hurricane Rebound campaign to support its mompreneurs.
More than 250 of the independent entrepreneurs who work with the brand as a means of income to support their families have been devastated by Hurricane Sandy. These women are unable to make money during the holiday season because they have lost basic necessities of life–ranging from power and heat to even losing their homes in some cases.
In order to make it possible for these women to continue to earn income during the holiday season, Touchstone Crystal has launched a campaign to assist these women to partner with other women around the country to host holiday parties online. As an added incentive of support, Touchstone Crystal is offering double jewelry reward credits for anyone volunteering to host an online holiday party with them. (See details at:
What a nice idea. I donated a bunch of stuff myself.
Seems like a wonderful way to shop for gifts while giving back
This is a great thing they are doing!
Love seeing this. Such a clever way of supporting these women.