The Perfect Movie Night




I love having a movie night at home. I can be in my comfy clothes and pause the movie if I have to use the bathroom. I mean come on, that’s awesome right?



But, how do I have the perfect movie night? Good question. Here are my top 3 ways to prepare for the perfect movie night.

1. In order to relax and feel like I’m not goofing off, I like my house to be picked up. Not super clean, just straightened up and having most of my chores done. Even if that means vacuuming and doing laundry earlier in the day. That way I know I can relax and enjoy a movie in a semi clean house.

2. Popcorn!! Need I say more? I love popcorn and always have it in the house. I recently tried the Pop Secret Homestyle. Oh my!! This popcorn is the best microwave popcorn I’ve tasted in a long time! It’s made with a sprinkle of salt and a taste of butter. Yumm!

3. Picking out the right movie. That can be tough with kids. Will it be a kid movie night? An adult movie night? Did others like the movie? You need details to make the right decision, right? Well now it you have help! The “Find Your Critic” tool created by Pop Secret and Rotten Tomatoes. This is a cool new way to help you prepare for your movie night. I just signed up and it’s easy to use. You will be given a series of 12 movies using the Find Your Critic Tool. Find your critic will then compare your ratings with other rotten Tomato critics. You then follow your critics review to see what movies you might enjoy.


Pop Secret loves movies, that’s why they created the Find Your Critic Tool with Rotten Tomatoes. This is a great way to pick the perfect movie. You can even use it for current movies in the theaters.

Never watch a mediocre movie again!!

At Pop Secret, we love movies as much as you love movies. That’s why we created the Find Your Critic tool with Rotten Tomatoes. It helps you figure out which movie critics you should listen to. All you have to do is rate some movies and the tool figures out which critics share your taste in movies. It even helps you follow your critics’ new movie reviews and recos. So when it comes to enjoying movies, the only thing you have to worry about is which kind of Pop Secret to make. Check it out!



Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Pop Secret via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Pop Secret.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. I love some popcorn during movie night.

  2. I make air pop popped corn.

  3. We love Pop Secret! Popcorn makes movies better! 🙂

  4. Yum I love Pop Secret popcorn!

  5. Love popcorn. Love movies. Nuff said.


  6. You cannot have a movie without popcorn. It’s like against the law or something.

  7. Popcorn, movies and being able to relax sounds like the perfect evening.

  8. Tami Vollenweider says

    We love Popcorn sometimes as a snack when we’re getting ready to watch some Movies,on the week-ends!

  9. You can’t watch a movie without popcorn! I love the Find Your Critic tool – I’m hoping to really start discovering some new movies I haven’t yet seen with it!

  10. I’d give anything to sit and enjoy a movie with a bowl of caramel popcorn!

  11. I love nothing more than enjoying a good movie with my family.

  12. Neat! I have to run and go make some popcorn for my son right now. (Thanks for the reminder.)

  13. we like popcorn too. i love plain, naked popcorn. or plain,naked popcorn with m&Ms. no butter for me!

  14. I can’t watch a movie without my PopSecret! Heck, I can’t watch tv without it. Seriously, I have popcorn every single day when I’m at home. I’m out of town today and I can’t have any so I wanna cry!

  15. Movie night wouldn’t be complete without popcorn.

  16. I love popcorn its the perfect snack

  17. Everyone in my house loves popcorn!

  18. Love this tool! So great for movie night!

  19. Love movie night. Sounds like a great tool!

  20. I love some popcorn!

  21. I love the find your critic tool – sooo much more helpful than random ratings! And I also would need the house to be picked up – otherwise I end up trying to fold laundry while watching a movie and I always miss things! 🙂

  22. Movies and popcorn. The perfect combo!

  23. We always have to have popcorn for Family Movie Nights. My girls insist on it.

  24. I agree about needing to have my chores mostly done! &That tool is so awesome!

  25. I usually prefer movies at home as well and Pop Secret is definitely my choice of popcorn.

  26. we love having family night with popcorn!

  27. I love movie night!!!!

  28. yum love popsecret!!

  29. Oooh I love movie nights. Enjoyed a big bag of popcorn myself last night.

  30. Pop Secret is one of my favorite brands of popcorn.