Do You Get Annual Skin Exams?

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Do you get an annual skin exam? I’ve had two in the last two years. Living in South Florida for so long I should have done them more often, but it’s so easy to say, oh I don’t need to do that. But really you should go and get checked. The sun can do so much damage to your skin. No matter where you live you are probably out in the sun and need to get checked.

What should you do prior to your exam?

Pay attention to your skin. If you have moles that seem atypical note where they are to tell the doctor.  Find out if you have family that has had skin cancer and what kind. Do you have any skin tags? Make sure to note these as well. Any spots that irritate you?

When I went recently I had a skin tag in my bra line area that I had removed. I also had a mole that bothered me and she took that off as well. I had two spots on my arms that bugged me. I kept picking at them, so she removed them too. She just used a q-tip and some type of acid I guess and it took my moles and skin tags right off. It did hurt a little, but I knew I need to get them off.

I get skin tags often and found this website that offers natural ways to remove them. They have a lot of products for all kinds of skin issues. While this is great, I love to find natural products, but don’t forget to get an exam by a doctor once a year!!

Do you get your skin checked?




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I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. I don’t really get them, but I a very aware of changes to my body. If something new pops up I have it checked out.

  2. I actually have a skin tag on my underarm, but it isn’t too big. I went to a dermatologist when I first saw it and they said it was okay, so I’ve left it there.

  3. I don’t have them checked by a professional all the time, but I check my own moles because I’ve had two irregular ones that I’ve had removed. Thankfully they were both benign.

  4. I used to, I sort of let it go

  5. I should. I do have a couple of spots on my left leg that have me concerned. 🙁