I Lost Weight with Weight Watchers On Line




I have like 10-15 pounds I want to lose and just can’t seem to do it. I’ve been exercising ,watching what I eat, counting calories and it I just can’t get it to budge.

I’ve been contemplating joining Weight Watchers and was debating to join on-line or go to the meetings. Then I got an email asking if I would want a three-month membership to Weight Watchers On Line! So I took it!

I signed up and started last Thursday. I love to point system and enjoy not having to count every calorie. It’s kind of the same but different. Fruits and veggies are free points so I like that too! I think just “belonging” to something has made me commit more and I lost 2.5 pounds the first week!

I love walking and adding it to my points to exchange for food. It encourages me to exercise more! Plus I’ve been eating more fruits and veggies!!

The on-line tools are awesome and I can use their app on my phone as well.

I will keep you posted  in a few weeks and let you know how I’m doing.



Starting weight: 147

Current weight: 144.5




 I have received a free 3-month pass to experience Weight Watchers online. 
I am not being paid to use or endorse Weight Watchers and thoughts are my own.
“People following the Weight Watchers plan can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week.”


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. I’m going back to WW. I had success.

  2. I’m anxious to see how it works out for you. I see so many different options out there but have no idea what will personally work for me!

  3. Good luck! I can’t wait to follow your journey.

  4. Good luck. I have a friend who used WW and lost 20 lbs for her wedding and kept it off while using WW.

  5. Congrats!

    I’m not sure what I’m going to start doing but I need SOMETHING for accountability.

  6. Having online tools/resources is so helpful!

  7. I did weight watchers for a month and lost all my baby weight!

  8. You are off to a great start! Can’t wait to follow your journey in the coming weeks.

  9. Way to go!

  10. Great start! Can’t wait to see how it works out for you!

  11. The point system is the best — it makes it so simple!

  12. Congrats on the weight loss! I think Weight Watchers did a great thing for busy people when they created their online program.

  13. That’s awesome that you’ve lost some already. Good luck on your journey, it’s all about your mindset and I think you have a great attitude!

  14. That’s fantastic. I love weight watchers. It does work.

  15. Good luck.

  16. Congratulations!

  17. Good luck. I have just been getting back on track the past few days after slacking off for awhile.

  18. I know so many people who have lost weight on weight watchers. Right now you and I weigh exactly the same. Its going to interesting watching your progress. Stay motivated. good luck

  19. Good luck!

  20. It definitely is easier using this type of system rather than going it alone. I’ve always thought WW is a good idea, as it really takes the guesswork out of it. Best of luck !! 🙂

  21. Good luck! My MIL lost a lot of weight on Weight Watchers & was even a class leader for a long time.

  22. I had success on WW about 10 yrs ago. I need to do something again…I’ll look back into this!

  23. All the best!! cheering you on!!!

  24. I am so glad to hear of your success and have been considering trying Weight Watchers online myself.

  25. That’s great. Here’s to much more success!

  26. That’s great! I might have to try them out.

  27. this is a great start! Can’t wait to see how it works for you

  28. I’ve heard a lot of people have had great success with this. Good luck to you!

  29. You’re doing awesome! I’ve lost about 30 pounds, and now I’m down to the last 13 pounds and can’t seem to lose it. Maybe WW online could help. 🙂

  30. good luck!!

  31. that’s great, I think online tools are a great way to provide accountability

  32. You are doing super!

  33. Congrats on your loss!

  34. I’ve always heard great thing about WW!

  35. That’s great! Continued success!

  36. Congrats!

  37. I used Weight Watchers online 11 years ago and lost 30 pounds in 6 months. I still count points to this day and have kept most of that weight off all these years. Good luck! If you stick to the plan it will work 🙂

  38. I’ve heard nothing but great things about WW… Keep up the good work!

  39. Congrats on your weight loss. Continued success. Btw, I love that first quote.

  40. Pauline M says

    Question: When I first started WW, I didn’t have a scale at the time (yes, I have one now :)) and tried to call my local WW to see if I could go an weigh. Not only would I ever get an answer at any time of day when I called, I had difficulty trying to contact any live person with questions I had. Have you had any issues with this at all? I’m just curious.