The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.
For the past five years my family has been all about living and promoting a green and eco-friendly lifestyle. I’m not sure what in me changed, maybe my daughter turning one or reading more blogs and seeing what others were doing. Whatever the case it has changed the way we do things. We use less paper, recycle everything and encourage others to do the same.
Those are all great ways to go “green” but there is more to it than that.
October is Energy Awareness Month. It has been since 1991 when the federal government designated it as such. What a great time to go out and replace or upgrade those old appliances to new ENERGY STAR® certified products. Best Buy can help you online and in their stores. I love Best Buy! In fact my husband is on his way there now to buy a HD TV for my son’s birthday. It will have the ENERGY STAR logo on it to make sure we are doing our part. Best Buy can also help you with local utility rebates on the energy-efficient products. That’s right – you can get a rebate for buying smarter. Beyond savings from simply having energy efficient products, local utility companies provide additional rebates that can save you up to $300. To find rebates available in your area, check out the Best Buy online rebate find here:
Best Buy has more than 2,300 unique ENERGY STAR certified products available in Best Buy stores and online at
I love watching shows on Green homes. We have a new home and the appliances are ENERGY STAR and is was built to be energy efficient. But I wish we could get solar panels. That is something I would like to look into in a few years.
What is ENERGY STAR? ENERGY STAR is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) voluntary program that helps businesses and individuals save money and protect our climate through superior energy efficiency. See for more information. I was just there and found so many useful sites and information.
My husband just came home with this!
We have a few old appliances we need to update with some more efficient ones.
Most of our items are up to date to be more energy efficient, it has helped a lot!
I love my energy efficient washer and dryer, and need to upgrade the rest of my appliances soon.
I was just telling Matt that we need to upgrade our appliances. I am pretty sure our fridge is sucking the life out of us.
We always look for the Energy Star label in buying things for our home.
With 2,300 unique ENERGY STAR certified products available at Best Buy, there is no reason not to buy Energy Star products.
love the energy star logo on products. We look for the symbol