How Do You Family? #HowWeFamily #IC #ad

I have received information from the makers of TYLENOL®. The opinions stated are my own. This is a sponsored post.

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Ever since I was a little girl I wanted a big family with 4 children. Little did I know I would fall in love with a man with three little boys. Our “family” started immediately. Even though I did not give birth to those boys I still considered them my own as did my mother and father. I was thrilled to become a mother to two more children over the years. We are one big family no matter how we came together. To celebrate all families, the TYLENOL® brand created the #HowWeFamily program which believes that family is not about who you love but how. This is a wonderful message for all families. This world is made up of such a huge variety of “families”. It’s not about who you love, it’s about how you love.


Watch this video, Tylenol #HowWeFamily Video  and tell me about your family.


Visit TYLENOL® #HowWeFamily website:





I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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