Take Time To Be A Dad Today #KUNGFUPANDA3 @FATHERHOODGOV #guestpost #fatherhood





No one ever said that being a mom or dad is easy, but many people have said it is worth it – and they are exactly right. Being a parent is a lot of work but it is also a LOT of fun. Everyone will have struggles, everyone will have moments that they question themselves, but when it is all said and done and you tuck your kids in for the night that is all washed away.

I have been married to my husband for 17 years and have had the privilege of watching him raise 3 of his boys along with 2 children of our own. He is an amazing father; you know, the kind that lets his daughter put makeup on him without questioning it. That, to me, is the definition of a good dad. The ones who spend time with their kids, no matter what they are doing.

To be a genuinely good dad, the first step is to spend time with your kids. And while many dads struggle with how to be a good dad, that isn’t out of the ordinary! Whether you are a new dad or an old hat, you and I know one thing for sure: the moment you became a dad, your life changed forever.

Take Po for example. He was able to overcome some unique circumstances because of his relationship with this father. With the love and advice from dad, Po came out on top!

Eighty-six percent of dads spend more time with their children today than their own fathers did with them. That is a big deal. The simple fact is, your kids just want to be with you no matter what you are doing.

According to a national survey conducted by the Ad Council, a majority of dads (7 out of 10) also reported that they could use tips on how to be a better parent. But don’t sell yourself short. If you are taking time out of your day and spending time with your kids, you are a good dad.


Please  visit www.fatherhood.gov and http://www.adcouncil.org/ to learn more about the fatherhood movement.



My name is MJ. I have two wonderful children and work part time as well as volunteer at my children's school.

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