Help your Child Easily Learn to Ride a Bike without Training Wheels with Balance Belt Review and Giveaway @balancebelt



It is that time already, time to teach my almost 5 year old son how to ride a bike without training wheels. My daughter learned very quickly, my son however has been struggling. He gets scared very easily and then either ends up crying or just getting off the bike and refusing to get back on it. He would rather ride his scooter then get on a bike. I knew it would be challenging, so when I heard about Balance Belt, I was hoping this would be a great way to teach him quickly.


What is the Balance Belt?

A revolutionary device that will quickly teach your child how to ride a bike without training wheels and without many of those painful falls often sustained while learning (Ages 3 and up). Children LOVE this product because it takes away that fear of falling!  It makes learning to ride without training wheels super easy and super fast.  We guarantee the Balance Belt works or your money back pursuant to our satisfaction guarantee! 

How Does it Work?

The Balance Belt works by teaching your child to balance a bicycle on his/her own. If used properly, it can work SUPER-FAST and WITHOUT those painful falls which can occur when a child attempts to ride without assistance! Simply follow the recommended instructions that accompany your Balance Belt and have your child riding without training wheels in as little as just one short 10 minute session!


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Balance Belt with Instructions

The Balance Belt is a really great idea. I remember my husband trying to teach my daughter how to ride last year, and his back constantly hurting for leaning over holding the handle bar. With using Balance Belt, he can walk or run with my son without hurting his back. Now I must say, my son is VERY timid and gets scared easily. I didn’t know how this would work out, however it was great! My son felt supported on the bike the whole time and didn’t complain. The Balance Belt did not hurt him, and is made very heavy duty and won’t snap or break. The rubber grips are comfortable on your hands.

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My husband using the Balance Belt with our son

My son still isn’t 100% ready to ride without training wheels, however this belt is helping to give him more confidence and knows that my husband isn’t going to let him fall. This is a much easier way for you to help your child to learn how to ride without training wheels. I will be using this each day with him and I am positive he will be riding alone in no time!

To purchase your own Balance Belt, please click here. The cost is $14.99 and includes free shipping. 

Connect with Balance Belt: Website Facebook Twitter



Would you like to win a Balance Belt? One lucky reader will! US Only, ends 6/22.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a Balance Belt in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own. 


My name is MJ. I have two wonderful children and work part time as well as volunteer at my children's school.

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  1. my son needs to learn to ride a bike

  2. Robin Rue (@massholemommy) says

    That is a cool way for the kids to learn. My youngest literally just picked up a bike and rode one day. My jaw dropped.

  3. This is an interesting idea. I love it! When I was a kid, it was a matter of getting on and trying not to fall off.

  4. Catherine Sargent says

    This looks a really great tool. I would have loved to have this for my son. It would have made things so much easier. I can’t even count how many times he fell.

  5. What a great invention and I was surprised at how reasonable it was priced. My nephew needs to learn… I will share this with my sister.

  6. I’ve never seen anything like that, but it’s so cool! Learning to ride a bike is tough, and being able to support them as they figure out how to balance would be great.

  7. For years I have thought that the only way to teach a kid to ride a bike was with training wheels. This is so much better, and probably way less expensive! That’s a great idea!

  8. What a clever little device! I think this would be an awesome tool for parents to use to help their kids ride!

  9. I wish this had been around when we were teaching our kids how to ride without training wheels! What a great idea!!!

  10. Amy Desrosiers says

    My daughter is going to be learning to ride a bike next week without he training wheels. This is certainly a unique product!

  11. That is a really neat product! I love that they have something like this available for kids now.

  12. What a neat way to help your kid learn to ride a bike without training wheels! My youngest was funny about his bike – he literally took his training wheels off on his own one day and tossed them in the dumpster. That was how he did it, and he never looked back. This would have been great help for my middle child though who took longer to learn.

  13. Austin Baroudi says

    My nephew is just about at that age to learn.

  14. This is a great invention. My kids are too old for it now, but I have a nephew learning now.

  15. This looks like a heck of a product!
    My niece is currently trying to learn to ride a bike and this looks so much more purposeful than training wheels!

  16. I have never seen anything like this before. What a great way to help your kids learn how to ride a bike!

  17. This is genius! Definitely a great tool to have when learning to ride a bike.

  18. Sarah Sobocinski says

    We are planning to teach my six year old this summer. This would be so helpful.

  19. Wow! How cool is this? I would so love to use this for my daughter. She is also having trouble learning to ride a bike.

  20. Oh wow so cool, I just love this. It could easily help me with my little one!