Common Errors Families Make When They Go On A Long Journey In The Car

Going on a long journey in the car can cause headaches for families. You need to keep the kids occupied while ensuring you do the journey in the quickest time possible. You need to make sure you get the car ready so that it’s a smooth trip for everyone. Here are some common errors families make when they go on a journey in the car.



They forget to fill up before they go

One common error families make when they go on a long journey in the car is they don’t fill up before they get on their way. They think that they should be fine for a few miles, and they will stop at a gas station on the way. However, if you have never done the route before, you won’t know where the gas stations are. You might not find one for miles when your car needs some petrol or diesel, and you may end up breaking down on the road. Therefore, fill up before you go at your local gas station so that the journey goes smoothly for your family!




They forget to take a traditional map

Another common error families make when they go on a long journey in the car is that they rely on the sat nav. They hope that it will get them to their destination. But you can’t rely on just the sat nav to get you there. They often can go wrong, and if your battery fails, you won’t be able to use it to find your way to the destination. Therefore, you need to take a traditional map with you. You can follow that, as well as looking at the sat nav, to ensure you are going the right way. Map out your route before you go, so you have a good idea of roads you need to take on the journey.




They don’t have the car manual with them

An additional common error families make when they go on a long journey in the car is they don’t take the car manual with them. They may break down on the journey and are not sure what’s wrong with the car. If they had the manual with them, they could check what the issue may be and know how to resolve it. You should always keep the repair manual in the car. If you do get stuck without one, you could download one from sites such as tradebit manuals. That way, you can fix the car easily and get back on the road again.


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They don’t take enough to keep the kids busy

Another common error families make when they go on a long journey in the car is they don’t take enough items with them to keep the kids busy. You don’t want them moaning during the journey that they are bored. You need to make sure they have a book and a toy to keep them occupied. Here are some other travel activities to keep the kids busy on the way. Take a blanket with you for the kids, just in case they get cold on the long journey. It could double up as a picnic blanket when you stop for a rest break!



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Remember to bring some water with you in the car. It will quench your family’s thirst while you are stuck in traffic.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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