DUI Charges: Avoid These 4 Things Unless You Want to Make Matters Worse

Every state in the Union has its own laws regarding DUIs. When someone is caught driving while under the influence, they can face hefty penalties that can sometimes negatively affect their lives for many years to come. To make matters worse, some people do not know how to avoid problems when going through a DUI arrest. Understanding how to proceed and protect their rights is essential.

A DUI Is a Serious Charge

No one should ever get behind the wheel if they have had too much to drink. When someone is under the influence of alcohol, their reflexes become dimmed, along with their response times. Each year, thousands of people are involved in accidents caused by drunk drivers. For more information on DUI charges, individuals should head over at ariccramer.com.

4 Things to Avoid During a DUI Arrest

When facing a DUI arrest, some things can make matters worse for arrested individuals. Because these DUI charges are already serious, avoiding any further complications is essential.

  • Individuals need to submit to sobriety testing. Although it is your right to refuse field sobriety testing, this is not advised. Failure to submit to testing could result in the loss of your license or jail time.
  • Never try to resist arrest. Even if a person believes they are innocent and not over the legal limit, they should never try to resist arrest. Resisting will only lead to further charges.
  • Individuals who are being arrested on suspicion of impaired driving should avoid being questioned without their lawyer present. Without a lawyer present, a person’s rights could be infringed upon and they could end up saying something that further incriminates them.
  • Do not be disrespectful with the arresting offers. Provide them with any documents they ask for, and answer all questions with a simple yes or no.

Should You Hire a Lawyer?

DUI charges can have a lasting implication on a person’s life. The penalties can affect an individual’s personal and professional life. Hiring a lawyer is a wise move.

Although being represented by a lawyer will not guarantee a positive outcome, lawyers can sometimes get the charges reduced or even dropped, especially when it is a person’s first DUI.

Hiring a lawyer gives individuals peace of mind and helps to ensure their rights are protected. Once the lawyer is hired, they take over the case and fight for the best outcome for their client.

Lawyers offer many services for DUI defendants. They will help investigate the charges, gather evidence, and work with the prosecution. If the case ends up with a poor outcome, there is always the option of appeal.


A DUI is a serious offense that should be avoided. When drinking, agree to a designated driver or call for a professional ride service. If you have been charged with a DUI, you should follow the above steps to avoid making matters worse at the time of the arrest. During a DUI arrest, it is not the time to become belligerent or ignore the commands of arresting officers.

Getting help from a lawyer can ensure your rights as a defendant are protected. You have the right to avoid being questioned without your lawyer present, and you should exercise this right throughout the arrest process and beyond.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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