Are You Inviting Pests Into Your Home?


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Even if you’re an animal lover, there are likely to be certain critters that you’re not happy sharing your home with. Pests like mice, rats, ants and cockroaches can contaminate food – which could cause you to get ill. Certain pests like mice and termites may also cause structural damage to your home. And then of course there are certain animals that can leave a nasty bite or sting such as wasps or certain spiders.

Such pests are typically attracted into our homes by the light, warmth and smell of food. It’s possible that you could be inviting them into your home without realizing. By understanding why pests are attracted to your home, you can work out ways of keeping them out. Below are just a few ways in which many of us invite pests into our homes.

Open windows

Leaving windows open can be important for ventilating your home. However, you could be letting in various pests by doing this – particularly at night when most of these critters are active. Insects like mosquitoes are drawn to light and will fly through an open window to get to any light source. Spiders will meanwhile typically crawl into homes in fall to seek warmth. 

Shutting your window at night could help to keep out critters. Alternatively, you could try looking into installing bug screens on windows – these allow air to flow through, while keeping critters out. These are particularly worth installing if you live in a mosquito-prone area such as near a lake or marsh. 

Cracks and gaps

Many pests will get into your home through cracks and gaps in the walls. A crack that is a 4th of an inch wide is often enough for a mouse to enter. Pests like ants can meanwhile get through the tiniest of cracks.

If you’ve got an infestation, it could be worth hiring pest control experts such as these Terminix pest control professionals to inspect your property and locate all possible openings. You can then seal up any of these cracks and gaps to stop pests coming in. Sealing up cracks and gaps will also keep your home insulated and prevent leaks. Be wary that certain cracks may be a sign of a more serious problem such as subsidence and may require a home inspection to fully diagnose. 

Crumbs and food spillages

By failing to clean up crumbs or food spillages, you could be attracting pests such as rodents and cockroaches looking for food. 

Make sure that any food mess on the floor is cleaned up immediately. This can prevent your home from becoming a buffet for pests.

Dirty dishes

Do you often go to bed without washing the dishes? Leaving those dirty dishes on the side could be an invitation to rodents or ants.

If you’ve noticed pests in your kitchen, it could be worth getting into a habit of washing up all dishes or putting them in a dishwasher before you go to bed. It’s at night that most pests will come out – with no food sources out in the open, they may not have a reason to enter your home.

Unsealed food

Pests like ants and cockroaches are often attracted to sugary snacks that are left unsealed – especially in hotter weather. Starchy foods like pasta and cereal can also attract pests like mice and cockroaches.

Avoid leaving a cake on the kitchen side or a bowl of fruit out on a warm day as it will likely become a target for critters. When it comes to opened packets of pasta and cereal, consider transferring them into plastic containers where they cannot be easily accessed by pests.

Unsealed garbage

Bluebottles love to nest in garbage. Animals like foxes and opossums will also raid garbage cans and bins if they are given the chance.

Make sure that garbage is always sealed in a bag and that cans and bins are shut. You can buy pest-proof bins which are much harder for animals to get into.

Untreated leaks

Some pests like cockroaches love moisture. An untreated rainwater leak or plumbing leak could entice a cockroach to make their nest there.

If you’ve got leaks in your home, patch them up immediately to stop them becoming a magnet for pests. This will also prevent issues such as mold from occurring. 

Undisturbed clutter

Cluttered garages, attics and sheds are a popular place for pests to make a nest. Animals will quickly realize that they can nest here without being disturbed.

If you’re a hoarder and you’re looking for another reason to cull your clutter, this could be it. Getting rid of clutter zones in your home and regularly accessing every part of your home will prevent pests from settling in. 


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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