How Farmers Can Help Bees

The bee population around the world has declined dramatically over the years. In 2019, National Geographic reported a decline of almost 40% in the honey bee population compared to the previous year. US beekeepers reported high colony loss rates between April 2020 and April 2021, approximately 45.5% of the managed honey bee colonies were lost. 

Bees play a crucial role in maintaining food security. Indeed, bees are one of the greatest pollinators in the food industry, contributing to the pollination of over a third of the plants that produce 90% of global food. Without bees, there would potentially not be an alternative. 

Additionally, bees are instrumentation to sustainable farming, increasing agricultural produce and quality while making plants resistant to pests. Finally, they also act as active agents of environmental protection and biodiversity preservation. 

Therefore, it makes sense for farmers to introduce bee-friendly solutions that can help reduce the decline in the bee population worldwide. 

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GMOs actually could help bees survival

GMOs are often a controversial topic in the farming industry, often blamed for the huge decline in the bee population. However, the farming reality is different. Contrary to common belief, GMOs are not responsible for bee death. On the contrary, they may contribute to greater survival in the bee colonies. Indeed, GMOs require fewer harmful chemicals and insecticides, making them essentially safer for bees than organic or non-GMO farming. We can expect in the long term science to help support the bee population through genetic modifications of both plants and bees. 

So, while farmers may be the first to experiment with GMO crops, bees could benefit in the future from a similar boost to improve their survival rate. 

Hay can support the bee population

Hay comes in many forms and shapes. More and more farmers are considering using plants that are bee-friendly to produce hay. It’s worth considering hay bales that come from a bee-conscious environment, so you know you are supporting bee colonies. 

Alternatively, you can also create your own cattle hay using bee-friendly plants. 

Farmers can provide shelters for bees

A variety of factors contribute to the death of bees, including the destruction of their habitat by human infrastructure. Yet, farmers can play an active role in the protection and preservation of bees by providing adequate support. 

Indeed, shelters can make a huge difference in the survival rates. Unlike honey bees that build wax, native bees require safe nesting places in dead trees, the ground, or even abandoned burrows. Providing an area with sufficient sheltering options in the close vicinity of crops and flowering plants can help more bees survive. 

Farmers can also educate

If you directly sell to consumers at a market or through a farm shop, it’s the perfect opportunity to educate them about your bee preservation activities. Helping people understand the importance of bees can also drive an interest in supporting your action. 

Bees are often killed out of fear by individuals who are worried about getting stung. Educating your customers could make a huge difference in supporting the bee population. 

The complex bond between farming and bees is a difficult subject to explain in a few minutes. However, the farming industry understands the role of pollinators better than anyone else. Introducing protective solutions to keep pollinators safe starts now for the future of the planet. 



I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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