How To Make Business Cybersecurity Simple


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Protecting your company from cybercriminals doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t have to remember 40 different complex passwords or spend ages screening each email for signs of phishing. In fact, it can be quite simple if you invest in the right tools and resources. Below are three simple ‘hacks’ for protecting your company from hackers. 

Invest in decent cybersecurity software

Don’t settle for basic cybersecurity software. By investing in decent cybersecurity software, you can make sure that your devices are truly secure. The best cybersecurity software solutions allow you to secure multiple devices and will have features such as website screening and email screening tools that can help you to avoid clicking on potentially malicious websites and attachments. 

This guide compares some of the most robust cybersecurity software solutions – consider investing in one of these software options to keep your company secure.

Outsource your IT

Being able to react fast to threats is important. Having to call up an IT company to come to the rescue could be too slow. As a result, some companies hire their own in-house IT staff so that they can react to cyberattacks there and then. However, there is another option, which is to outsource a managed service provider. 

What is a managed service provider in IT? Basically, this is a third-party company that constantly monitors your company for threats (as well as helping with various other IT tasks such as fixing bugs and suggesting tech improvements). Outsourcing a managed service provider is a lot more affordable than hiring in-house staff. It’s also a lot less work for you – you don’t have to worry about managing extra employees and can simply allow another company to take control for you.

Use a password manager

Hackers can easily crack a weak password using tactics such as brute force attacks (this often involves using malicious software to feed thousands of different password combinations into an account until it stumbles across the right one). This is why complex passwords are recommended – this typically involves a minimum of 12 characters including lower case letters, upper case letters and numbers (and possibly a symbol). 

Unfortunately, such passwords are typically hard to remember. Many of us will resort to writing them down, which can increase the risk of them being leaked. Alternatively, we may allow out browser to automatically remember passwords, similarly making them easy to hack. Either that, or we’ll stick with simple passwords out of convenience. 

None of these options are ideal. So what is the true solution when it comes to using passwords? The best option is to use a password manager which can store information on all of your passwords. You only have to remember one password to access this password manager, which is a lot easier than remembering multiple passwords. These password managers can also help you automatically come up with complex passwords and notify you when it’s worth changing them. This post offers more information on password managers



I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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