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When the sun’s out and your home starts to get hot, this can get unpleasant. Not only does relaxing in your home become stressful but so does sleeping – there is nothing worse than trying to get to sleep when your home is boiling. Luckily there are a few different things you can do to make your home a little bit cooler.
From using air conditioning – which is most effective but can get expensive – to keeping your blinds drawn, keeping your doors shut and using a fan, there are many ways to keep your home cool in the hot weather. Below we look into more detail on our solutions for you to try.
Air conditioning
To start with, the best solution is to use an air conditioning unit. They work very efficiently, will cool your home down quickly and most can be put on a timer, meaning they aren’t running all night. Depending on the shops nearby, or if you prefer to order online, there are many types you can buy to match a whole range of budgets. In most cases, they can be delivered in a day or two of being ordered, helping you cool down your flat quickly.
Keep your blinds drawn
A trap a lot of people fall into when it’s really hot is opening their windows and keeping their blinds or curtains up. On a really hot day, this can actually do the opposite and make your home hotter. The reason is, on a sunny day, the temperature outside will be hotter than your temperature inside. By opening up the windows you will be letting all that warm air into your home. You want to draw your blinds as this will stop the run from shining in, heating up the inside of your place as well. Being too hot can be bad for your mental health, and keeping your blinds drawn will hopefully reduce the stress that too much heat can cause.
Keeping your door shut
Another tip that we would recommend is to keep your doors shut. Keeping your doors shut reduces the hot airflow which is heating up your home. When it’s hot, the airflow is hot so the more you can reduce the hot air from flowing the more comfortable you will feel. If you are cooking, close the kitchen door especially as the heat from the oven can really heat up your place. What some people like to do is fill up a champagne bucket and place it in front of a fan or behind. The fan then drags in the coldness of the bucket blowing it in your direction. When it’s really hot, any bit of cold air can help.
Hopefully, the above three tips help you keep your home cool in the hot weather. Which of the above tips did you find most useful? Are there any tips that you would like to add? Is there anything you would like to share that will benefit our readers? Let us know in the comment box below.