5 Important Skills to Teach Your Kids Before They Leave Home


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As your kids prepare to leave home, a few skills are essential for them to master to be successful in life. These skills will give them the tools they need to achieve their goals and live fulfilling lives. Teaching your children these skills early on will give them the best chance of succeeding in their future endeavors.

Financial Literacy

Learning financial literacy is essential for your children to be successful in life. As soon as your kids are old enough to understand, you should start teaching them about managing their money. Helping your kids establish good financial habits from a young age will set them up for success. Start by teaching your children the basics of budgeting, including how to track their expenses. Make sure they fully understand the value of a dollar by helping them earn their own money, whether by doing chores around the house or by assisting them to get a job when they are old enough.

Cleaning and Laundry

Most of us grew up in a world where housekeeping was a responsibility shared by everyone in the family. This shouldn’t be any different for your children. Age-appropriate household chores help teach kids the ins and outs of maintaining a household and how to properly look after and care for themselves and live respectively around others. Knowing how to clean, use the vacuum, and do laundry, along with any tips and tricks you have picked up through the years, can help them to help you around the house and know how to look after themselves when they leave home.


Everyone needs to know how to feed themselves and eat healthily. Part of this is knowing the best foods to eat and what is and isn’t nutritious, and another part is being able to cook. Start by teaching your kids how to cook easy, simple meals, such as following this spaghetti bolognese recipe; then, you can help them expand their skills and help them learn more about why you need to eat certain foods and the benefits of being proficient in the kitchen.

Time Management

Learning how to manage time effectively is important because it allows you to get more done in the same amount of time. This skill is vital in school, work, and in life in general. There are a few ways you can teach your children how to manage their time. You can start by being an example and showing them how you use your time. You can also use planners, apps, and other tools to help you manage your time more effectively. You can also look for lessons and classes to teach your kids how to manage their time better.


It’s essential that your kids learn to be self-sufficient and not rely on others for help. This is because life is unpredictable, and you never know what might happen. You can teach your children to be self-sufficient by letting them take on some of the everyday household tasks. For example, your younger kids can help feed the family pet or do some light yard work. Older kids can do things like mow the lawn and rake leaves. Kids can also learn to be self-sufficient by taking on household projects. They can learn to do household repairs or basic household tasks like cleaning and laundry.


Teaching your children these skills will help them become the best versions of themselves, and it can help prepare them for the future. These skills are essential for your kids to succeed in their future endeavors and will provide them with the tools they need to achieve their goals. By helping your children develop these skills as children, they will be able to start using them as soon as they leave home.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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