As a mom, you know all too well how important a good night of sleep is. And it’s not just about the kids either. Everyone goes through a bad night of sleep every now and then, but when it happens more often than not, it can quickly take a toll on your physical and mental well being. Whether you’re losing sleep because of a big work deadline coming up or you’re studying hard for a big exam, getting yourself into a healthy sleep routine is a must. So, let’s look at the best ways of achieving that.
Go to bed at the same time each night
While there’s nothing wrong with a late night every now and then, it’s important to go to bed at the same time each night. The human body likes routine, and if you’re not settling down to go to sleep at the same time each night, it throws your circadian rhythm out. When that happens, you might find it harder to fall and stay asleep, grogginess during the day, and even some health issues. Choose a time that works well for your routine but still allows you to get the recommended amount of sleep.
Get into a relaxing routine
It’s all well and good telling you to go to bed at the same time each night, but you also need to be relaxed too. Getting into a relaxing routine will also let your brain know that it’s time to start winding down ready for sleep. Doing relaxing things like taking a warm bath or reading a book are a great way of relaxing. However, everyone is different, so it might take some time before you find what works for you. You might find that writing in your journal and then taking sleeping gummies from My Pain Center work best for you.
Make sure your sleep environment is clean and comfortable
If the environment you’re sleeping in isn’t clean and comfortable, you’re not going to be able to properly relax. Make sure you’re in a dark space with a comfortable mattress, pillow and comforter. You might find that adding a white noise machine into the mix gives you the optimal sleeping conditions. Again it might be trial and error, but it’s worth trying out for a good night of rest.
Go outside
No, we don’t mean heading outside at bed time. We mean make sure you get at least 30 minutes of natural sunlight each day. Remember we mentioned circadian rhythm earlier? Sunlight helps to regulate it, and the fresh air won’t do you any harm either.
Turn off screens
Finally, we’ve all found ourselves falling asleep to the TV before, but it’s not the best way to fall asleep. In fact, any screen should be a no-no at least an hour before bed. The blue light from screens can make it much harder to fall into a restful sleep. Try listening to music or reading to help wind down before drifting off.
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