Save the Ocean: 5 Ways to Get Started

Our world is a place of beauty. From purple mountain majesty to your own homey backyard and everything in between, this planet that we call home is full of life and glory! Yet, the amount of pollution and other plant endangering behaviors going on casts a long shadow over this place we humans call home.

One such place that is greatly affected by damaging human behaviors is our oceans. These glistening gems of mystery are marred by human waste products lining her shores and killing her natural wildlife. Something must change if we are to protect the treasure that is our oceans. For the casual visitor and the lifelong dweller on the shoreline, there are actions that can be taken to improve the health of the sea.

Learn more about the ocean

The best way to help the ocean is to learn more about it. For those with the ocean in their backyard, spend time in it. Go snorkeling and swimming. Watch the tides to see how they rise and fall first hand. Notice all the creatures that need the sea to survive. By watching the ocean be alive around you, you get a closer feel for how everything is connected and needs each other to survive.

If the ocean isn’t as close to you, do some research online or visit a local aquarium. For example, you can learn more about the marine life in Biloxi, Mississippi by visiting the aquarium to see how the creatures interact with each other. See fish in schools or watch manta rays glide by. There are many websites and videos that explain more about how important the oceans are and how to take care of them. All you need to go is go look.

Don’t forget about stopping by your local library to check out a book or a dozen about the topic too. Many volumes are dedicated to species and underwater phenomenon that you have to see to believe.

Beware of products that harm the ocean

We are reminded constantly about how plastics can harm the ocean. Many of us have grown up cutting apart plastic six-pack rings so animals don’t get caught in them or picking up plastic bags and bottles while on hikes so they can be disposed of later.

Changes are being made so plastics are being used less, such as using paper straws in many restaurants, but we forget that other items that are not properly disposed of could enter our oceans and harm them.

Cigarettes, glass drinking containers, and paper bags are all top tier items that end up polluting our waters and wreaking havoc. Besides ensuring that you’re properly disposing of items, try to use reusable forms like cloth bags for shopping or biodegradable utensils when eating out. Also, be wary of what is used in the products you use on a daily basis. Some cosmetics list shark squalene as an ingredient while some jewelry is made from sea turtle shells and even bits of coral.

Try green living

Reducing your carbon footprint is crucial in this day and age. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that is making the sea more acidic. With this change comes disastrous issues such as weakening the calcium in coral, resulting in the structures breaking apart and dying. Living green is the best way to minimize your footprint on the environment. Little things, like wearing extra layers instead of adjusting the thermostat or biking or walking instead of driving to a destination, can result in big changes. For dinner, you could go for sustainably caught wild seafood to help make sure you’re not contributing to harmful fishing practices.

Vote on behalf of the ocean

Policymakers create bills and enact policies that result in hurting the ocean more than it already is. Becoming a voter on ocean issues can ensure that the sea has a voice that will speak up for her when she is threatened. Research what your elected officials are proposing to do and where they stand on protecting the marine environment.

Tell the stories of her heroes

Many people around the world are taking action to improve the sea where they live. Blast news all over social media about what activists are doing. Tell others about local clean-ups and how they can sign up. An aquarium or park doing a special event talking about an environmental issue you support? Encourage your followers to go and learn.

We are meant to be caretakers of the planet. We only have the one to live on right now, and she is mostly covered by the ocean. If the ocean gets sick, it’s only a matter of time before we all end up sick too. We each need to do our part, no matter how big or small, to help save her.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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Amazingly Simple Ways To Save Water At Home

You wouldn’t think that it’s possible to cut back on your water usage at home, but when there is a water shortage, you don’t get a choice. The best thing that you can do to ensure that you don’t have to suffer through a water shortage is to save as much water as you can this can be done every single day and updating your home to make it a water-saving house is so important if you want to ensure that you are getting this right! 


The biggest ways you use water in the home is with your toilet, shower, washer and dishwasher. It’s easy to overlook saving water but if you want to be greener in your home, it’s the best way to get started. Below, we’ve got some of the simplest updates that you can make to ensure that you are able to conserve water at home.


Image Source: Pexels

Slow It Down

You can save water simply by slowing the flow of water that you are using. Toilets and showerheads, bath taps and kitchen taps can all benefit from being fitted with valves to reduce the water flow. When you do this, you stop using as much water as you usually would, and while you may have older fittings, you can add these and save both money and water.

Upgrade Your Appliances

Older appliances waste more water than the newer models, and the only way to prevent this is by upgrading to appliances that have excellent water ratings. The stores that you plan to buy from should be able to show you which are the better options. The more stars on the label, the less water it will use. You’ll save money and you’ll save the environment.

Install Rainwater Tanks

You don’t have to spend a ton of money to be able to do this, but rainwater tanks from The Water Tank Factory can make all the difference to how much water you use. When you use how much rainwater you can use the water you save will change. You can install rain tanks and save a ton of water without even trying as it collects the rain from the sky! You can then use that water on the house, the garden and in the toilets. Collecting and recycling your water is a smart thing to do and you don’t have to have a huge tank at the side of the house. Your tank can be as slim as you like and discreet enough to hide behind the home.

Ditch the Dishwasher

It’s nice to have a dishwasher: it saves time and it ensures that your dishes are clean. However, you have a perfectly good pair of hands and if everyone helps, you can get the dishes done by hand with one sinkful of water! If you really cannot part with your dishwasher, consider waiting until the load is full before you run it. You should also schedule regular cleanings so that you can ensure it’s running to optimum efficiency.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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How to Incorporate Green Living in Your Household


In this technologically advanced world, it is easy to get caught off guard with all the things that you have to do that it is often tempting to do something the easier way. Sometimes, a more comfortable way means neglecting the environment. Time and again, the issue of climate change creeps up, especially now that several natural disasters are occurring. That said, here some green living tips you can incorporate in your daily lifestyle:

Use Less Paper

Once you consume a lot of paper, you have to think that to create one ton of paper, about 24 trees are cut down. Necessarily, when you use more paper, manufacturers would need to produce more paper to meet the demand. As a result, they would have to cut down more trees. Use less paper by recycling. Used paper bags can serve many other purposes. Brown bags, for one, can be reused as a gift wrap for any occasion.

Use Canvas Bags

When you go shopping, make sure to bring a canvas bag to carry your grocery items. Bringing canvas bags helps you lessen your paper and plastic use.

Build a Compost Pile

If you want to help the environment, start a compost pile. If you have food leftovers, instead of throwing them away, stash them in your compost bin. It can serve as a sustainable and eco-friendly fertilizer for your plants.

Cut Down On Energy Use

If you haven’t yet, switch to LED lights. LED light bulbs use less electricity and fewer fossil fuel to power your home. LED lights use 80% to 90% less energy compared with standard energy bulbs. Aside from contributing to the environment, it also helps you lessen your energy costs. You can also cut down energy use by using lighting less often. Open your curtains and windows, so you don’t have to turn on your lights and fans. Make sure to turn off the lights and the electric fan each time you are leaving the room. You may also consider using solar panels in your home.

Borrow from Friends

If you are going to use something for only a short period, consider borrowing from a friend instead. Similarly, practice sharing with your friends and family. When fewer people buy specific items, manufacturers would be forced to produce less, and this can result in lesser carbon emissions that can ruin the Earth’s atmosphere.

Use Eco-Friendly Home Cleaning Products

Most commercial home cleaning products use harsh chemicals, and this can have a devastating effect on the environment. If you hire home cleaners, make sure that they are using eco-friendly cleaning products, as well. Most house cleaning services in Fort Wayne use eco-friendly products as their way of protecting your home, their crews, and the environment.

Buy Energy-Efficient Appliances

If possible, try replacing your appliances with models rated by Energy Star. Make sure regularly used appliances such as ovens, washers, refrigerators, and stovetops are energy-efficient, so it is easier for you to live sustainably without changing your lifestyle drastically.

Try Making Your Own Products

If you are pretty handy with repurposing and recycling, you can help the environment by trying to make your own products. Some of the items that you can produce on your own are soaps, toothpaste, and cleaning products.

Avoid Single-Use Plastics

If you have the budget, buy items packed in reusable packaging. Also, make sure to purchase things that are not packed in single-use plastics because they’ll just end up in garbage pits.

Buy Only What You Need

Green living means that you have to live sustainably, and buying items that you don’t really need just because they are on sale is something that you should avoid. Declutter if you must.

Running a green household should be a part of our lifestyle. When it becomes a habit, it won’t be as taxing to do. Start now, and thank me later.



I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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Effective Ways to Save on Your Energy Bills



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Keeping the home at a comfortable temperature is a common priority for many homeowners. However, they often want to keep their energy bills as low as possible at the same time. If this sounds familiar, there are several ways you can reduce the money spent on energy bills without making dramatic changes to your lifestyle.

Lower Your Thermostat

Have you ever stopped to think about how you might be keeping your home too warm when you’re not even in it? Statistics indicate that you could save approximately 10% on annual heating and cooling costs by turning your thermostat down by 10-15 degrees for at least eight hours per day. Think about doing that when the house is empty or when you’re asleep. That way, it’s easier to make the adjustment.

Check for Leaky Seals

Doors, refrigerators, and freezers are some of the things around your home that may have improper seals. In that case, air could leak out or come in, causing unwanted temperature changes in your home.

For example, if your front door has an extremely leaky seal, there could be a cool draft that comes in even when the door seems tightly shut. It’s easy to take care of poor seals yourself by buying replacement sealing material from a home improvement store. Also, if you notice air entering a room from underneath the door, think about using a draft stopper.

Switch Energy Providers

Sometimes the best answer to a problem is the most obvious. If you are trying to save money on your energy bills, then you might want to think about switching energy providers. TXU energy rates and rates of similar companies could cost a fraction of what you’re paying right now and will still deliver a reliable service. It’s a buyers market and you need to take advantage. 

Use a Smart Thermostat

Many households want to make their homes “smarter” by investing in intelligent gadgets like smart speakers, smart security cameras, and smart plugs. Those things typically connect to apps and let users control items in their abodes without being in the same room. If having smart stuff in your residence sounds appealing, smart thermostats could help you save money, along with offering other benefits.

For example, some have a special display that shows you the optimal thermostat temperature for achieving the best energy savings. Others can track trends over time and show you if you’re keeping the home cooler or warmer than usual from month to month. Other smart thermostats have sensors that detect whether a room is occupied or not. They respond accordingly so that you’re not wasting energy in an empty room.

Upgrade Your Windows

Installing new, Energy Efficient windows can have more positive effects on an energy bill than many people think. This is because they are specially designed to minimize heat loss in the winter and reduce heat gain in the summer, ensuring your home remains comfortable with less energy consumption. For example, choosing a window with an ENERGY STAR energy rating could save you several hundred dollars per year. Additionally, choosing particular kinds of glazing for the new windows can affect heat transfer and insulation.

If some areas of your home receive substantial amounts of direct sunlight during the day, consider adding shades to your new windows. Then, you can take advantage of the natural heat source during the colder months of the year and use the shades to avoid excessive warmth when summer arrives.

These tips will get you off to a great start if you’re thinking seriously about simple ways to save on your energy costs. It’s also smart to consult with a professional and let them know that cutting your energy bill is a priority. They may have ideas you haven’t thought of yet.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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Decluttering the Eco-Friendly Way: Tips for Environmentally Friendly Cleaning



Decluttering a home that’s overrun with the flotsam of daily life is an excellent way to create a clean and orderly home environment. Unfortunately, getting rid of junk means introducing it into the natural environment, including loading up landfills, expelling toxic material into the atmosphere, and sapping precious natural resources. Enhanced environmental awareness among homeowners and a renewed appreciation of nature’s gifts have led many people to seek eco-friendly ways of discarding household material. Today, dragging old mattresses to the dump and using bleach and other harmful liquids to clean are giving way to healthier, safer alternatives. Not knowing how and where to start can be overwhelming for anyone, however the amazing thing is there are tons of articles online to guide you through the process step by step.

Recycling the Big Stuff

Appliances are a major problem when it comes to disposal because of their size and composition. Unfortunately, people often throw them out because they’re upgrading to a newer, better-looking model, not because they’ve stopped working. This throw-away mentality lies at the root of many environmental issues we’re grappling with today. If that trusty old microwave or refrigerator has looked better, donate it to Goodwill, the Salvation Army, or Habitat for Humanity rather than sending it to the landfill. You can also wait for a community scrap metal drive or post it on a free-exchange website like Freecycle. When it comes to bedding and furniture padding, many people are unaware that these materials can be reused. Look for textile drop-off points in your community, or look for a clothing and textile recycling facility nearest you.

Electronics and “e-waste” represent one of the greatest threats to the environment. Last year, more than 44 million tons of e-waste were discarded, according to the United Nations, but only 20 percent of it was disposed of responsibly and safely. Many of these products contain heavy metals like mercury, lead, and cadmium. Consider donating old cell phones, keyboards, and tablets to a local non-profit or charity or to organizations like Dell Reconnect or the World Computer Exchange, which refurbish and donate electronics to people in developing countries.

Embrace the “Cloud”

Old photos and documents can create a tremendous amount of clutter because they tend to accumulate with alarming rapidity. Fortunately, technology and the storage miracle known as “the cloud” makes it very easy to remove all those loose papers and pictures with a few clicks of your computer mouse. Simply scan photos and documents and upload them to secure digital storage space. That frees you to take it all to a shredder and free up your drawer space. Be sure to consult a tax accountant before you dispose of something you might need to keep a hard copy of.

Green Clean

Cleaning your home with products that contain toxic materials is not only bad for the environment, but it’s also unhealthy for you and your family and can cause problems over time. When people clean using products and methods that are free of toxic or unsafe materials, and that are safe for the environment and human health, it is called green cleaning. There are many environmentally safe, eco-friendly cleaning products on the market today that are as effective as anything you’ve ever used. You can also use natural household materials, like vinegar or baking soda, for a number of cleaning needs. Avoid bleach and ammonia, which emit fumes that can cause respiratory problems and are toxic pollutants. Instead of aerosols, use an essential oil like lavender or lemons to get rid of odors.

Decluttering your home can be a freeing experience that opens up new vistas of practical and aesthetic possibilities. Decluttering the eco-friendly way takes a little extra effort. It’s as much an investment in your health as it is a means of protecting our environment.


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I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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