Free Chick-fil-A – July 11th

Dress like a cow day is Friday, July 11th!! This will be our sixth year attending. What is dress like a cow day you ask?




If you dress like a cow in full attire, you will receive a free meal. If you dress in partial attire, you will receive an entre. We always wear black and white clothing. Then I attach spots, made from construction paper, to our clothes. We also hang a paper sign I printed from the Chick-fil-A website and viola! We get our meal for free!




                                                        Will you be going this year?





I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. I love me some chick-fil-a, but not sure I’d be up for dressing like a cow, LOL!

  2. What a cute idea. I will have to dig up some cow costumes!

  3. Since I’m going to the pool earlier that day and to do a parent orientation at my son’s first play rehearsal, I doubt I’ll dress up like a cow this time. Love me some Chick-fil-A though!

  4. Haha. Such a cute idea! Much as my mom loves this place, I don’t think I could get her to do this. It would be a fun sight to see, though! 🙂

  5. I’ve never gone in for one of those days, but for a free meal, maybe I need to rethink this!

  6. I totally wish we lived near a Chick Fil A, I hear it is so good, and I have always wanted to try it!!

  7. I wish I had known about this, we would have gone there for sure! Everyone looks so cute.

  8. We missed out due to colds, no fun!

  9. LOL love it and what a great photo!

  10. Geez, how did I miss this! I’m so sad.

  11. I have never been to a Chick Fil A but heard wonderful things about the food.

  12. I love when they do these events, it is so fun to see the kids dressed up. We love Chick Fil’ A

  13. I wish I would’ve know about this sooner!