Getting Older Is Way More Fun Than You Think


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The idea of getting older sends shudders down the spine of most people. They imagine that by the time they hit sixty, all their best years will be behind them. 

But, that’s rarely true in reality. In fact, the data seems to suggest the opposite. The older people get, the happier they become.

In this post, we take a look at some of the reasons why getting old is much more fun than you think, whether you’re a mother or just somebody reaching that stage in life when age is becoming evident. 

It Makes You Wiser

Younger and older people have different types of intelligence. Young people have what’s known as “adaptive” intelligence. This lets them take on new information and be flexible towards changing circumstances. 

By contrast, older people have more “crystallized” intelligence. This lets them connect the dots better and suss people out quickly. 

Usually, when we talk about wisdom, we are referring to the type of intelligence that older people have. They are able to say things that just ring true because of their life experiences. 

You’ll Be Less Lonely

People imagine that youngsters are the only people with friends, and that middle-aged and old people live lonely, isolated lives. But the reverse seems to be true. Being old doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to be alone. In fact, there’s a whole community of people past retirement age, just waiting to connect with others like them. 

If you’re still unconvinced, just take a look at how far senior independent living has come. These communities actively bring residents together and regularly organise activities to improve social life. 

You’ll Have More Money


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Granted, a small number of older people live in poverty. But many are wealthier than they ever were in their working lives. Why? Because their investments have had time to grow in value. And they no longer have the burden of looking after a family as they did in the past. 

Seniors in their 60s, 70s, and 80s hold the vast majority of the nation’s wealth. It is these people, not young professionals, who have the resources to really enjoy themselves. 

You Can Travel More

Speaking of which, getting older also allows you to travel more. Plus, since you have so much more time (and don’t have to rush back to the office after you get home), you can afford to enjoy yourself more. You don’t have the same feeling of urgency like you have when you try to take breaks as a younger adult. 

You Can Be Healthier Than When You Were Younger

It sounds impossible to say, but you can actually become healthier when you get older. The reason for this comes down to the fact that you have all day to look after yourself. At 60, you could get fitter than you were at 30, so long as you eat the right diet, consume the right calories and get plenty of activity. 

Don’t believe the lies that getting older makes you miserable. It’s actually a lot of fun. And, critically, the pressure is finally off!


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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