My shopping trip…

I went shopping at Kohls and Target on Saturday on here is what I got for cheap….
The A1 was .09 with coupon, the Glade diffuser was 1.50 with coupon, the Connect Four was .99 with coupon , the poptarts were .67 each with coupon and Target coupon here, the water gun was clearance at Kohls for 1.67 and the ice cream was 4.96 for five. Target had them on sale for 2.50 each and when you buy five you get a 5.00 gift card. So all the above was 10.55.

The stuff above I got for free!! The Skittles and cereal coupons were here and the rest were from various places. I do owe most of these finds to Hip2Save. She always has the best deals.

I also got Johnson baby was for .99. I did go back after dinner to get more ice cream and Special K bars. Altogether Saturday I spent 62.94 out of pocket, I saved 118.44 and have 15.00 in Target gift cards to use another day.It’s like only spending 47.94 (with the gift cards).


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. JUST ME, THE MOM says

    Amazing! I so admire all you moms figuring out these great deals. I really have to get on the ball!

    Following along from MBC, love the site!


  2. Chic Mommy, Cool Kid says

    Your blog has such great info! Following from MBC!