What to use instead?
I went to Target and bought some cheap wash clothes. You can make your own out of old towels or clothes too. I use about one a day or so and then just throw it in the laundry. They can be used over and over. We hardly use paper towels anymore. I love it!
What a great idea! Following from Friendly Friday. Please come follow me at http://preciouscupcakes.blogspot.com 🙂
I have a $25 Joann's gift card giveaway going on right now.
Good morning, Stopin by to say hello and let you know I came Hoppin on over on this Sunday morning from Az. and the Shibley Smiles Sunday Blog Hop, and look forward to hopping into you again sometime soon.
Have a Hoppy Sunday and see you next week!
Meet me on Sunday
Blog Hop Round Up!
I use more wash cloths than paper towels. We are just too messy lol. Giving you a follow from Monday's hops. Would love a follow back if you get the time. Thanks