My daughter loves looking in the cracks of the sidewalks and seeing the ant highway!
Can you see them?
A working mom trying to do it all ....and succeeding!
My daughter loves looking in the cracks of the sidewalks and seeing the ant highway!
Can you see them?
I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!
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Hey there! My name is Anne and I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here, I work as a floral designer, I started a non-profit and am very active in my community. I have been enjoying single life, dancing and visiting new places. I enjoy music, reading, traveling and spending time with my family. We have 2 cats and 1 dog.
I can't wait to see where we will go next!
Copyright © 2025 Mommy Has To Work
Huh … I’ve never even looked in sidewalk cracks. That’s cute she noticed.
i love that she calls it the ant highway! cute!
I think the only time I noticed sidewalk cracks was when I was a kid and we’d try to avoid stepping on the cracks for “bad luck”. 😉
That is cute. We have the ant super dome going on in our backyard right now 🙂
Crazy! Ants annoy me like crazy! One time when we were walking to the park, I thought someone had spilled their coke on the sidewalk, but it was like a puddle of red ants!!
I think I need to look more carefully in my sidewalk cracks.
Now I need to look for our ant highway, lol.
I love that she looks for them!
Any highway – that’s adorable!
Just tell her to make sure the highway doesn’t point to the house.
As long as they are outside, I’m good with them. I hate seeing them detour through my house though 🙂
I always wonder what they’re up to! They are busy little creatures!
Smart! They don’t get squished this way!
Ants are such cool things… unless they’re in the house
It’s cute she sees things like that.
Soooo teeny tiny!! My kids love to watch the ants. Although here in AZ, ALL the ants bite!! Booo.
Very cool!!
Cool pictures!
I see them :). They are amazing creatures to watch.
That is so cute that she noticed!
I don’t mind ants as long as they stay outside! It’s good that she notices the small things 😉
She needs to come to my house! We have lots of highways
We just got a new patio and I think the Ants think we built it for them. We have ant hills everywhere! I’m being invaded. So send that child over here! She’ll have a ball! LOL
I hate those ants. I’m having someone come out and spray for them.
yeah no thank you! I hate ants!
I had never noticed that! Ants are smarter than I thought.
I beat she would love the ant habitats
I can see them. We have some living in our mailbox, no clue why. They are carrying something around and I need to find a way to get them to move out of the mailbox without poisoning the mailbox for our mail goes in there.
My daughter is the same way.
My daughter does stuff like that too 🙂
Oi vey! Ants are EVERYWHERE this year!