Wedding Planning for Dummies


It’s not secret that my stepson is getting married in May! Savannah and I went Wedding Dress shopping a few months ago. And she said yes to the dress! It is such an exciting time in a couple’s life.


I remember all the fun I had preparing my own wedding. I had a special book to write ideas and plans down in. I had coupons ready, simple ways to do big ideas.

Now you can get all kinds of ideas from Wedding Planning For Dummies.  Expert wedding planner Marcy Blum walks you step-by-step through everything you’ll encounter as you plan your wedding, from choosing a reception site to picking a photographer—and everything in between.

You can keep track of expenses with a wedding budget. This is really important. Finds ways to negotiate contracts and surf online for wedding deals.  Learn how to throw a great reception. And great tips on the latest trends on wedding registries, rings, photos, and the honeymoon.

One tip I found in the book is one I just told my stepson. Your cake does not have to be huge. You can have a nice sized cake for display and for when the couple cuts the cake. Then have a sheet cake in the back for guests. We did this in my wedding and it really does save money.

The Wedding Planning For Dummies is a great book with tons of information in it. Anything and everything Wedding is in there.

I would definitely recommend checking it out. You never know what you forgot or you may find other ways to do things.



I received the above book to review. Opinions are my own.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. that dress is gorgeous!

  2. Congrats on their upcoming nuptials!

  3. My sister is tying the knot on 4/27/13 and has absolutely NOTHING done yet. I think she needs to read this book!

  4. They have a book for everything, that’s great!

  5. Laura Jacobson says

    Oh wow! This looks wonderful! My son and his fiance could really use this as they begin to plan their wedding!