New Toy! W/W

We splurged and bought the new kittens a huge cat toy!

Within minutes the cats were having a blast!

( I promise not to have every wordless wednesday about my new cats, well maybe.)


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. Jdaniel4's Mom says

    It looks like hours of fun.

  2. They’re spoiled already!

  3. THAT looks like fun!!

  4. My cats would love something like that! I bet it’s fun watching them play on it!

  5. I think even my 2 year old would play on that lol

  6. That is a huge tower. LOL. I am sure the kitty is gonna have a blast with it.

    Happy WW!

  7. Lots of fun for the kittys.

  8. Kitty paradise. Awesome.

  9. Looks like they’ll be having lots of fun!

  10. What cat wouldn’t love that?! Fun!

  11. My cat needs one of those!

  12. hours and hours of fun right there

  13. Oh wow I bet they love that thing! I have heard those towers are the best for multiple cats 🙂

  14. Your cats are so lucky! Do they love it? I have wanted one of those for my cats forever now, and every time I have brought it up in the past my husband always said “ppplllltttthhh…I can build one of those!” Needless to say, we still don’t have one. 😉

  15. My kitties need one of those!

  16. My cat would have loved this!!

  17. HUGE is an understatement LOL

  18. Oh I bet the cats LOVE it!!

  19. This is a huge cat toy but they will love it! I posted a story about how we rescued a cat this week…..glad we did find a way to save the cat. The neighbor called today to say that is must have been his sons cat…..

  20. Awww, your cute kitties will have so much fun on it!! ^.^

    -:¦:- WW: Purple Rose of Sharon -:¦:-

  21. Wow – I am sure they are having a blast.

  22. It’s so much fun for them!

  23. Okay that is one awesome kitty condo! My cats used to have one and they loved it until they trashed it!

  24. I need to think about getting something like this, my cat is crazy and is climbing my new curtains and acts like the hallway is a race track at 2 in the morning.

    Great Pictures

  25. Haha! Looks like they just love that new big toy!!

  26. oh my gosh I bet they will love that. That’s an awesome climbing tower

  27. I love it! I bet the kitties adore having their own castle!

  28. That looks like lots of fun! They must be having fun.

  29. What cat wouldn’t love that!?