Backyard Oceans Pool


Living in Florida many, many people have their own pool. We had one in our last house and while I do miss seeing it everyday I don’t miss taking care of it.

Where we live now, we have a resort style water park and really there is no need to get a pool, but sometimes it’s ice to just let the kids go outside and play without going anywhere. When Backyard Ocean Pool asked me to review one of their pools, of course I said yes! I choose the Deluxe Square Party Pool.

We got this little box and I thought there is no way a pool is inside this box!


But it was in there!! We took the pool outside and started to figure out how to blow it up. I was disappointed that there were no instructions included. I also looked online and could not find any helpful hints. We did get it up and started filling it with water.


Then it was time to invite some friends over!!


We kept this up for about two weeks and the kids had a blast. We took it down before vacation but I’m hoping to get it up again before October.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. This looks just the right size for the kids to have fun with it. I love the little seat area for the kids to get “a tan.” Looks like your kids are truly enjoying it.

  2. I need this pool in my life, looks so refreshing.

  3. If you don’t want the maintenance of a pool this looks like the perfect size to get to help cool you off when it’s really hot but yet you want to be outside. Of course, knowing my kids they’d have it filthy within a few minutes because it would be to small for them so they’d have to be in and out of it a lot.

  4. What a perfect way to cool off. That looks so refreshing, and is a heck of a lot easier to deal with than a full-size pool.

  5. These are nice and a perfect alternative to an in ground swimming pool.

  6. This pool looks like the perfect size for our small backyard.

  7. We have something similar since our landlords would not allow us to put up our larger pool. Our children have great fun and I have even joined them!

  8. Those look like a lot of fun to have especially on a warm summer day. I wish we had a yard for these.

  9. Looks like the perfect size to float around and cool off! LOVE it!

  10. Ooh, I love that it has high sides and a small ledge. Seems like it was more than enough for a backyard bash of fun 🙂

  11. We have a similar pool, but it doesn’t have that L-shaped feature to lounge on. That looks like a great feature.

  12. I’ve kind of wanted an in-ground pool from time to time, but have had a few people tell me that all in all, it really was too much work. Plus I had realtor tell me once that it was harder to sell with a pool. I need one like yours, though!

  13. This looks perfect for a hot summer day. I think I need one for our backyard.

  14. I like this little pool. I should get one for when the grandkids visit.

  15. Looks like a great pool, without all the extra cleaning of a full size.

  16. That’s just the perfect size to cool off in on a hot summer day!

  17. That looks like it is just perfect for hot summer days. I am pretty sure my cat would pop a hole in it though, but I know that kids love it.

  18. My parents live about 35 minutes away and have an in ground pool in their backyard, but something like this would be great for us to splash in when we don’t feel up to making the drive.