How to Stay Active With Your Kids This School Holidays



The school holidays are almost upon us, and if you’re like most parents, you’re probably silently freaking out right about now. Just what are you going to do with the kids?! You need to do something after all. You can’t just pop them in front of Netflix or Stan, right? Right. It’s a great idea to get active any time, but it’s especially important during the school holidays. So we’re going to look at a few different ways that you and the kids can keep moving and fit while school is out.

Jump Around

One surefire way to get moving that the kids will absolutely love is by visiting a trampoline park in Perth. These fun-filled wonder houses provide hours of entertainment as children run, jump, bounce and play. And before you tear your hair out with worry and concern about them breaking limbs take a chill pill. Every trampoline park has stringent safety measures including nets and padded floors. It’s a fun, safe and exciting adventure out for the kids.

Get Out the Balls and Bats

You’ve likely got an old footy kicking about, right? Or some cricket wickets, a bat and a tennis ball. Or a frisbee, badminton racquets or other random sports equipment. Have a dig through your garage or spare room and see what you can find. Then, get out in your backyard or head down to your local park or playground. There’s heaps of benefits to being outdoors and your kids will love a good kick of the footy or a few innings of cricket.

Go For Walks

If the weather is fine there’s no excuse for staying cooped up in the house all day. So pry the brood away from their tablets and devices and head out for a good old fashioned constitutional. You’ll enjoy a break from the mundane, and you can always try to explore a part of town that you haven’t seen before. Make it exciting and head into the CBD or walk to a new local eatery. Reward yourself and the kids with a yummy treat after stretching those legs.

Make it Fun

Not all kids love exercise or sports. If you’re facing some resistance to getting out and moving, then it’s time to take a strategic approach. Make it a game and inject some fun into the activity. Or, offer a reward. For example, for an hour of activity they get half an hour of their favourite cartoon or TV show that evening.

Invite Their Friends

You may find that your children end up missing their school pals while they’re on holidays. Consider any of the above activities but encourage them to invite their friends along. Kids need social connection and friends as much as adults and having their mates along may actually encourage them to spend more time participating in activities and playing outdoors. Why not invite the parent as well? You may find that you end up making a friend or two in the process!

Try it and See

So why not try these hot tips for getting the kids active during the holidays? Start with a fun trip to the local trampoline park, and the next day try and find some sports stuff lying around your house. Take a trip to the park and kick the footy or play cricket. Next, go for a few long strolls. If your kids are resisting this new regime, make it a fun game and offer an incentive. Finally, consider inviting their friends along so they can share the fun around.



I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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