Make working from home a breeze with these tips

Are you working from home right now? In these uncertain times, it’s not only our personal lives that have been impacted, but it’s our working lives too. And with the two of them set to collide, you need to make the transition as smoothly and as effortlessly as possible, otherwise, your productivity and your working life will be hugely impacted. Believe it or not, even though you’re surrounded by home comforts and you no longer have to commute or deal with those irritating co-workers, working from home is incredibly hard.

A lack of motivation, procrastination, distractions and stalling are all the issues homeworkers face on a daily basis.

So, what are the secrets to working from home? Is there any way to make it easier? Or make your working day more productive? Here we’ll look at 4 tips that will make working from home an absolute breeze.

Make your life a little easier

If you’re someone that writes for a living, then having the right tools at your disposal is an absolute must. Scribbr’s plagiarism tool, as well as spelling and grammar software tools are incredibly useful for those who are working from home. Why? Because they ensure that your work is of a high standard and pick up all those little issues that you may have missed because you were distracted by the TV, your kids or the phone ringing. Making your working life as streamlined as possible with this kind of software will increase your productivity and the quality of your work.

Dress for success

Ok, so working from home can feel a bit like a novelty, to begin with, however, give it a few days and working in your PJs gets old – fast. If you want success, you have to dress for it. This means getting showered, fixing your hair (if you want) and wearing clothes that make you feel like you’re ready to work. You don’t necessarily have to wear a power suit, and you can dress with comfort in mind, but keep it smart – a smart top, comfortable trousers and a pair of your favourite socks will certainly do the trick.

A good desktop set up

If you usually spend time at your laptop to play and internet shop, that’s fine but now your desk is the centre of your working day, so stepping it up a gear is a must. Clear away the unnecessary clutter, make sure your wires and cables are neat. Do you need a hard drive for all that additional work? What about a headset? Mic? Do you have printing capabilities? Ensure you have everything you need and it’s within reach. That way your working day is guaranteed to be more streamlined.

Make sure you separate work and life

When you work and live in the same space, it’s not going to be easy to separate the two. However, making the effort to separate your working life from your normal life is important for your productivity and your mental health. Make an effort to stick to your given working times, avoid work-related matters when you’re not at your desk and if you’re struggling, make sure you reach out to your employer.



I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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