7 Ways to Improve Your Professional Development




Whether you’re looking to change your career path or move up in your company, you must improve your approach to professional development. However, many businesses are competitive, and it can feel impossible to make yourself stand out from the crowd, especially if the crowd is full of younger professionals who seem more on the ball than you. 

But fear not, because they don’t deserve better roles just because. Instead, you can get ahead of them by focusing on the best ways to boost your professional development and show them who’s deserving. 

Take Control 

Not everyone is born with the skills to be a leader. Instead, they need to develop these skills. You will never achieve this if you don’t stand up for yourself and learn to take initiative at work or in your life. 

If you always wait for someone else to answer questions, you’ll never stand out to your manager. Therefore, you need to be the one who speaks up and finds solutions to problems. You won’t get everything right, but you’re not expected to. The point is that you’re getting your voice heard and ensuring people recognize your attempts to contribute where overs shy away. 

Explore Development Opportunities 

There are many more development opportunities than helping out at the office or shadowing your manager, especially if these opportunities can be challenging to identify. Much like taking control and initiative, you must seek these opportunities to develop. 

Instead of waiting around for something to happen, seek options or courses that can give you valuable experience you won’t get elsewhere. If you want to move up in the ranks at your hospital, travel RN jobs can provide new experiences that will be valuable once you return. For office-based examples, you can develop new plans and strategies in your spare time offering solutions for workplace issues. 

Work On Your Network

Your network is one of the most important aspects of boosting professional development. It introduces you to people who may give you a job later on and allows you to work on your interpersonal skills to impress industry experts. 

Your network may also be broader than you think. It consists of everyone you work with as well as people you used to work with, but what about who these people know? While cold calling or emailing doesn’t always work, it can give you the in you need to introduce yourself.

Don’t Rest On Your Laurels 

You may have developed a great strategy in the past, but that doesn’t mean you’re still doing your best work. The longer you wait, the more irrelevant your accomplishments become, because you haven’t done anything of note recently. Resting on your laurels can be one of the worst things you can do, so it’s always worth pushing yourself to develop something new and beneficial. The more effort you put into proving yourself, the more skills you’ll learn, and the more you will stand out from your competition. 

Review Your Progress 

Tracking your progress helps you stay organized and shows you how far you’ve come, which can motivate you to keep going. This point is useful as it can sometimes feel like you are stagnating, but tracking and reviewing progress shows evidence to the contrary. 

You can use this information to highlight your progress to potential employers or other important people. Show them what you’ve achieved in the six months since beginning your journey and see whether they need more or consider your accomplishments acceptable. 

Broaden Your Skill Set 

However, even exceptional progress and performance are rarely enough. You may need to broaden your skill set through qualifications and certifications. Often, this is just a formality, and companies simply cannot hire you if you lack suitable credentials. 

Learning the best way to apply for an MBA can put you on the right track and teach you valuable skills and information that ensure success. 

Seek Guidance

Mentorships are also excellent chances for you to get in with the more experienced and important people in your industry. However, these mentorships can be difficult to gain, so make sure you impress your potential mentor and learn how to stand out. 

You must give them a reason to take you under their wing and understand how this program can benefit your career. Do not take it lightly because plenty of other professionals are eager to take your place.


You will never get the opportunities you want without reaching for them and taking steps to achieve your goals. These tips are just the beginning of your professional development journey and should give you all the tools you need for a better chance of success.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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How Technology Can Help With Education

Technology has changed how everyone learns now, but it has had the most significant impact on children as they are introduced to it early. Children learning how to use these tools is essential in a world that runs on technology. And parents can also use technology to help the learning process at home too. 

With technology becoming such a big part of society, looking at how technology can positively impact the learning experience can be beneficial. 

“Research suggests that on average, students retain 25-60% more material when learning online compared to only 8-10% in a classroom.” – World Economic Forum.

Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash


Almost everything we do in life will involve some level of communication. And while it used to be letters and phone calls, it has not moved to instant messaging and emails. Since technology has been introduced, children learn faster how to spell words (or something phonetically type them) so that they can communicate. 

Teachers and other parents can more efficiently communicate, and the children are a part of that, too. 


While there will always be joy in opening a book and searching for information, the internet has made it faster and more efficient. And with such demanding lives, this is incredible for parents and students. It means that no matter what your child might want to know, you can search for it on the internet in a matter of seconds. 


There is even the capability of using voice to ask these questions with hubs like Alexa or Google. 

Online Learning 

There are more opportunities for children to expand their learning online. Many schools now have online learning hubs that are packed with apps that cover all types of topics. And, what more is that parents can help increase their child’s learning with extra apps and anything from coding apps to online science tutors

Online learning can be the most efficient way for busy parents to help their children with their schooling, and it can give a great overview to the child, parents, and teachers about what the child might be missing – or that they are doing really well and might need extras.


Almost all online learning tools will have assessments, which means that, unlike standard learning, there is instant information. The child can see how they are doing and maybe even select areas where they want to increase their studies. Real-time information means that teachers can also track to see if your child understands what they are currently studying. 

Self-Directed Learning 

There is nothing that is so wonderful as a child who loves to study, and that usually happens when the child has some control over how and what they study. Online learning gives children the option to learn things that might be outside of their regular school work. 

And from there, they might find the things that they are really good at. Often, with self-directed learning, both paid and free courses online are free to be studied at the learner’s own pace. Some children will race through them, while others might take their time. 

The great thing about self-directed learning for children is that it actually teaches them how to learn in a way that works for them. They will learn how to organize and plan, they will become more confident in the learning process, and it doesn’t restrict them. 


Some children find learning ‘boring’ when it is all book-based but with access to devices and apps that make learning fun! Through songs, games, music, and more, learning using technology has a huge element of fun. So much so that most of the time, when children learn to use a device, they don’t even realize they are picking up secondary skills (technology and computer skills!).


Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of learning using technology is that devices like iPads and laptops can travel anywhere that there is an internet connection. This means that learning never has to stop. Children can take devices with them on holidays, which can be very beneficial to parents who need to work during the typical school vacations. 

The world of technology has completely changed how we are able to learn, and one of the most important things can be working out how it fits into your lifestyle – and how you can use it to improve the learning experience for your child. And who knows, perhaps you will become inspired by your child’s learning journey online and take advantage of one of the many different online courses for adults! Advantages of Online Education: Why You Should Consider Learning Online.  


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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Improve Your Life & Well-Being With These Tips



Life gets busy and hectic at times but you can’t let it get the best of you. It’s especially true if you’re a working mom without a lot of extra time on your hands.

You must know what triggers your stress and make sure you are proactive about managing it. Otherwise, you risk wearing yourself out and experiencing burnout. The good news is that you can improve your life and well-being with these tips. Keep in mind there is a lot that you can control and do for yourself if you’re feeling overwhelmed currently.

Move More & Get Some Exercise

If you have a sedentary job then it’s especially important that you commit to moving more throughout the day. Be sure to step away and take some breaks during your workday. Also, make time for exercise and make it a point to get your heart rate up. At the very minimum, try to go for walks around your neighborhood to get in some extra steps. There are many physical and mental health benefits that come from moving your body and getting plenty of exercise each day.

Eat Healthily Daily

It’s not always easy to eat right and it can be tempting to eat what’s most convenient. However, you must keep in mind that the food you choose needs to be working to provide you with fuel and energy. You’ll feel better and less sluggish when you are picky about what you eat and eat wisely. If you have a busy job then consider investing in on the go lunch products. This way you can avoid eating out too much or eating the junk food that may be in your break room at work.

Slow Down & Reflect

Rushing around all day long will take a toll on your health as time goes on. Improve your life and well-being by being mindful to slow down and go at a less hectic pace. It’s also in your best interest to take time to reflect on your life and goals. You’ll find living mindfully and slowing down more to be rewarding over time. Try not to think too much about the past or worry about what’s to come in the future. Focus on your attention in the now and present moment for a healthier lifestyle. You’ll likely enjoy life more at this pace and will make fewer mistakes and be less forgetful. 

Get Enough Rest & Sleep

Getting enough sleep each night is vital to feeling your best and functioning optimally. Lack of sleep can be detrimental to your health and well-being. You’ll find you perform better at work and are a happier mom when you get plenty of sleep and are well-rested. Don’t be afraid to put your feet up and take a nap every so often to recharge as well. Go to bed at a decent hour each night and invest in a comfortable mattress that helps you fall and stay asleep. 


These are just a few useful ways for how you can improve your life and well-being as time goes on. Go easy on yourself and be patient in the beginning stages because changing your habits and ways can be challenging. Stick with it and you’re likely to soon receive many positive results from your efforts. 



I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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Three Things You Should Know As A Mother

When you are a mother, you start to put everyone else above yourself. Your natural instincts kick in, and you end up taking care of everyone, and then yourself if you have time for this. This is not the way that life should work though, and you need to be taking more time for yourself, and learning a few new things about being a mom. In this article, we’re going to be looking at three of the most important things that you should know as a mother, so keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

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You Don’t Have To Do It Alone

The first thing that we are going to say is that you do not have to do it alone. It takes a village to raise a baby, and we’re sure that you have heard that saying before. Despite knowing this, there are some people who are hell bent on trying to do things on their own as they don’t like leaning on other people and asking for help. But, this is a part of life. There are going to be times where you need help, and you have got to be willing to ask for it or else you are going to burn out. 

If you feel bad asking your friends and family, then there are sites like care.com where you can find registered and unregistered people to care for your child when you need them.

You Are Still Important

Just because you have had kids does not make you unimportant. You are just as important as you were before you had kids, and that’s something that you are going to need to remember. You deserve to be taken care of, to look after yourself, and to generally be kind to yourself. Stop letting yourself get to the point where you are burning out because you are trying to juggle everything, you’re not getting enough sleep and you’re not eating enough. Your kids deserve the best version of yourself, and they aren’t going to be getting this if you are not bothering to take care of yourself too.

It’s Okay To Take The Easy Route Sometimes

No matter what anyone says, it’s okay to take the easy route sometimes. There is nothing wrong with doing things the easy way if it means that there is a little less stress in your life. If you know your kids aren’t going to eat their veggies without a fight today, skip it. If you want to put the TV on to let them watch an hour of TV, do it. The easy route is there for a reason, it’s always an option when it’s needed.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you should know as a mother. A lot of people get overwhelmed when they have kids, and it’s really no surprise when they take up so much of your time. At the end of the day, you need to remember these three things to help you get through the rough times and ease that mom guilt. We wish you the very best of luck with this, and hope that your outlook changes.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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Individual vs Group Therapy: Which One Is Right for You?

Addiction treatments involve a variety of options that can include individual and/or group therapy. Both are important components of intensive outpatient programs. These techniques offer several pros and cons, so it’s helpful to know how they will benefit you.

Benefits of Group Therapy

Group therapy sessions include several people with similar psychological issues. A trained therapist works with the group encouraging helpful and respectful discussions about problems. These sessions help people learn about themselves and find they are not alone in the struggles. They use the sessions to build interpersonal relationships and gain self-respect.

Members in the therapy sessions learn that they are not alone, so they often find group therapy sessions to be supportive stress relievers. They build a support group of people with similar issues, and they learn to communicate and build social skills.

Types of Group Therapy Sessions

Group therapy sessions help patients work through a variety of problems.

  • Skills development group therapy and cognitive behavioral group therapy helps people learn coping skills and change their behaviors.
  • Interpersonal process group therapy helps addicts improve their road to recovery.
  • In a support group, members share their successes and failures while learning from other members with similar problems.

Disadvantages of Group Therapy

Group therapy is not beneficial for members who need focused attention from a therapist. People who want confidentiality will not enjoy group therapy. Some people do not participate as they choose to sit and listen rather than share. Some groups develop subgroups, which can be a problem for people who aren’t included.

Benefits of Individual Therapy

Individual therapy sessions are private and confidential. Each visit is tailored especially to the individual patient, and the patient does not have to share time with other people with more demanding needs.

Patients get an intensive and focused therapy session. Each session includes feedback and treatment at a pace that helps the patient. Individual appointments fit the patient’s schedule.

Types of Individual Therapy Sessions

Therapists offer several types of therapy for addicts and people with other psychological disorders.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy helps patients learn how to change their harmful behaviors.
  • Contingency management therapy involves rewards for patients who stay away from drugs and other harmful substances.
  • Motivational interviewing helps patients understand that intrinsic motivation helps them change their behaviors.
  • Holistic therapy includes a variety of treatments like mindfulness, music therapy, and yoga.

Disadvantages of Individual Therapy

Because individual therapy sessions are one-on-one, they cost more than group sessions. Some patients do not like to meet one-on-one with a therapist, as they feel too exposed. In a group session, some members find it easier to hide. Individual therapy sessions have one viewpoint from the therapist, who may not understand what the patient needs.


Both therapy types can be beneficial, depending on the patient’s needs at various stages of addiction treatment. Patients should look for therapy that fits their personality, finances, and time. Individual and group therapy are helpful in their unique ways, and one is not better than the other.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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