$200+ Coupon Giveaway

Alright everyone, my husband came home, again, with tons of coupons! ( Not that I’m complaining! )

So I have another $200+ coupons to give away to you. Just leave a comment telling me you want them. this will be a 24 hour giveaway, so it will end Tuesday October 6 at 10:00am. Thanks.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. Who doesn't love coupons? Like many people the BF got layed off so we are a one income household and are managing but im pretty sure its because we have become couponing addicts!

  2. The girl with the flour in her hair says

    I love coupons! I'd take them… 🙂

  3. I would love coupons! My friends call me the crazy coupon lady!

  4. I want some coupons! I NEED some coupons b/c we are desperately trying to reduce our spending! What a blessing these would be!

  5. I would love to have 200 coupons! I just heard thru the community grapevine that our newspaper (that has the coupon inserts in it), is going out of business 🙁

  6. Would love some more coupons!

  7. Being a SAHM I need to save money any where I can so I can remain a SAHM. This would be great!

  8. Jackie at 3littleones says

    I would love to win these – I LOVE coupons 🙂

  9. ME!! I love coupons!

    tfulton0513 at yahoo dot com

  10. Can always use more coupons! Thanks!

    kliver5150 at yahoo dot com

  11. i wanted to skip this giveaway because i really dont feel like organizing coupons but truth be told,i really need to because my winter bills will be higher and i need to save money.so yes i would use these coupons,they would defantly help me.thanks,shannon

  12. am so low on my coupons right now…this would be a super win!

  13. Whoo Hoo! Love coupons & would love to take them off of your hands. 🙂 Thanks!

  14. Sara A Broers says

    You have a nice blog- lots of cool giveaways. Maybe I'm too late to enter, not sure what time zone you are in!:) I found you through Mom Audience. I'm now a blog follower and twitter follower! Enjoying your blog, keep it up! I LOVE coupons!

  15. Love coupons… no other way to shop.. hope I'm not too late

  16. hollowsins says

    I want to win..I love coupons

  17. I can always use free coupons. Thanks