Exergen Review

I had the opportunity to review the Exergen TemporalScanner. It’s a kinder, gentler and more exact thermometer.

You place the scanner in the middle of the forehead and then roll across to the hairline. It is so fast and easy and can get a sleeping child’s body temperature in seconds. I found it to be accurate each and every time. It has been tested to be the most accurate method of taking a temperature. This unique process determines temperature by accurately measuring the balance between the tissues warming from the arterial blood and tissues cooling (warming) caused by heat loss (gain) to the environment. How easy is that! But please remember to take the cap off, apparently many people are trying to take a temperature with the cap on. LOL.

I received a similar temporal scanner and was not satisfied, but my husband and I both liked the Exergen Temporal Scanner.

My mother in law works at a popular pharmacy and she said her pharmacist recommends this same scanner to their customers. These sell for anywhere from 30-50 dollars at the store.
There is a $5.00 rebate here and if you visit the Exergen site,here, you can see a video of how it works.

I received this for review purposes by Exergen and Mama Buzz, opinions are mine alone.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. Anonymous says

    I own this thermometer and I LOVE it. My 20 month old will not let me put a thermometer under her arm let alone leave it there long enough to get a reading. Even when she was asleep, she would fight me. So we bought this and it has been great. I also found it to be very accurate. And if you do it to yourself first then she gets curious and holds still for you to use it on her.

    Kim R.

  2. Freely Living Life says

    Hi there!

    I found you through the "Friday Follow" and am now following your blog through Google Friend Connect. I look forward to further exploring your blog. Come on over and visit us when you have a free moment! <3

  3. I have one of these and absolutely love it…but your comment about taking off the cap made me laugh. EVERY time my husband uses this thing, he forgets to take off the cap. Seriously.

  4. Felissa Hadas says

    Happy Friday Follow. Hope you have had a great week. Feel free to stop by when you get the chance.


  5. Blackberry Jam Cafe says

    Stopping by from Friday Follow – and I'm so glad I found you! I'm now following so I don't miss anything.