W/W – Don’t Give Up!


This plant above used to be just like this one – dead for almost 8 months. Why I never threw it away, I don’t know. I like dead plants. At the first sign of green, I planted it in the ground and it’s been thriving ever since!



I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. This gives me hope. I have a tree and a plant sitting in my front yard..dead. My husband keeps asking why they are still there and I keep saying they might come back and then I can plant them 😉

    • Yes, I still have several more…good luck! My husband’s use to by now… the dead plants I mean.

  2. YAY for a thriving plant!

  3. It’s amazing what some plants can survive!

  4. You have an unintentional green thumb!

  5. My climate isn’t potted plant friendly they do so much better in the ground here too. And I nearly killed my spinach but in the ground it thrived. I love it when nature does its thing!

  6. Maybe it just needed room to sprawl

  7. that’s great! I’ve revived a couple myself and it’s a great feeling!

  8. i kill everything!!

  9. Well it looks like it is doing much better now!

  10. Great job! I can’t keep plants alive, lol.

  11. Yeah! A fighter. Go plant!!!

  12. It looks great! I have had plants come back to life too, so weird!

  13. aww I wish I read this before I though out my dead rose plant…

    hope it survives. good luck

  14. No way! I didn’t know you could bring ’em back to life! That’s awesome! I feel bad about throwing away my Mother’s Day plant from my boss now when it died. Great job bringing it back to life!

  15. That is really exciting!

  16. I wish I could get my plants to do that. Mine just die…no rejuvenation no matter what I do!

  17. I just threw one of mine out because it was burned by the sun. 🙁

  18. It looks great!

  19. I’m jealous! I kill everything!

  20. Maybe it didn’t have enough room in the pot for the roots to grow and thrive. Looking good. 🙂

  21. Good for you, I wish I had a green thumb like that. I have neven been really good at growing plants inside or out. Fortunately, my hubs does a great job.

  22. If it were not for dead plants, I wouldn’t have any plants at all.

  23. Carolyn G says

    Wow. I am so glad you planted!

  24. The only thing that grows this well at my house is weeds.

  25. YAY! I wish I was so lucky — the moles have taken over our yard and nearly killed everything. So frustrating. 🙁

  26. YAY! I love when a plant decides to come back. 🙂

  27. YEAH!!! 🙂 Congrats on the plant coming back. I have a black thumb. 🙂