Turbie Twist Review


Do you have long hair? I do. For years, after a shower, I would wrap my hair up in another towel. I would have this huge mass on top of my head. It was a awkward and I always felt a little off balance from it. Then I tried Turbie Twist. I loved it from the start!


What is Turbie Twist? It’s like a small thin towel made just for your hair! It’s shaped like a hood with a tail. You place the hood on on your head backwards with your head down, then gather your hair in the “tail” and twist. Then pull up on top of your head and secure. In the picture below, I secured it with the tag, but an elastic band is provided.I pus Savannah’s on backwards, because it’s easy when


We received a Turbie Twist to try out. Savannah has been wanting one of her own. You can buy them on line at www.turbietwist.com or at Target. They run about $19.99. I know I got one at Bed Bath and Beyond before too.



Here we are together. Don’t look to close. My Turbie Twist is old, but it still works!!


Like them on Facebook and Twitter too!


Have you ever tried one? I think this would make a great gift too!



I received the above product for review. Opinions are my own.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. How cute. I had wondered if they would work for little girls, because my daughter is almost 3 and drying her hair is a pain in the petunias!

  2. I love mine!!

  3. Pretty cool, I hate using a heavy towel on my head! Going to look at their site now 🙂

  4. That looks neat, I bet it would work better than my towels.

  5. I got one at BlogHer and have yet to use it. I really need to dig it out and give it a try.