$1.25 Coupon – General Mills



Certain General Mills Cereal Boxes now have these cool Curvy Straws in them. My daughter loves straws of any kind.

With these you can mix and build the straws!

I will not buy my kids cereal just because there a cool toy inside, but I know ,y kids will eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Reese’s Puffs , Honey Nut Cheerios), Trix or Cocoa Puffs. Or at least my hubby will! lol

Want a coupon? Go to http://www.myblogspark.com/uc/main/03d3/ to download a printable coupon for $1.25 off of the purchase of (2) boxes of participating Big G cereal today!




Info brought to you by Gerneal Mills and MyBlogSpark.


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. My daughter likes those straws.

  2. LOVE coupons!

  3. I always use coupons! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks!!! It’s just about time for me to buy some cereal.

  5. We love GM cereals. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Nice!

  7. Love that coupon

  8. Thanks!! Love coupons!

  9. I’ll have to try them. Thanks for the coupon!

  10. Awesome coupon! I rarely can find good coupons for cereal.

  11. Great coupon!

  12. Thanks so much!

  13. thanks so very much!!

  14. Thanks! I’m totally guilty of buying cereal for the prize inside, lol.

  15. Great coupon! Thank so much for sharing!

  16. Thanks for the great coupon!

  17. love Big G cereal Yumm gotta love coupons

  18. My husband is the sugary cereal culprit in our house too.

  19. That’s a huge savings on cereal. Love that!