When You Give a Child a Camera….

Or she just takes it…this is what you get!


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. Those are great pictures!! How old is the kid with the camera?

  2. Thats awesome!

  3. these are great! They’re pretty in focus for a little one 🙂

  4. Haha, cute! I find a lot of self portraits when my 2 year old runs off with my phone 🙂

  5. took some great pics it’s great to see what their little minds see

  6. She took such fun shots!!

  7. That’s great and so creative!

  8. Looks like my daughter’s pictures.

  9. Great photos! I love seeing what kids come up with behind the lens!

  10. My son loves to go around with the video camera…

  11. Ha! I love seeing things through a childs perspective.

  12. Not bad!!

  13. Not bad!

  14. Ha! Yeah, my kids take about the same kind of pics. Though I also get a lot of the floor, or a closeup of their nose.

  15. My just turned 5 kiddo takes pictures w/my camera too, it’s a hoot! Love the pics. you put up. 🙂

  16. not bad at all. maybe a budding photog in the making!

  17. Yes, we have a ton of pictures of my daughter taking pictures of her shoes or bugs, etc. Thank goodness for digital cameras though, eh? I can’t imagine doing the same with having to develop hundreds of blurry photos…

  18. I love doing this! You get some creative ones for sure!

  19. Love it! Looks like what I find on my feed 😉

  20. I gave my daughter my old P&S camera when she was 2 – she takes some of the most interesting pictures. I love seeing life thru her eyes!

  21. My son loves playing with the digital camera, too!

  22. I love giving my camera to my 4 year old to see what she takes pictures of, it’s always cute.

  23. They did a great job LOL.