Nail Art Part 1


I love to paint my toes. Living in Florida my toes are always on display. I found these cute stickers that you just place on your nails after they dry.


Lately I’ve been painting my fingernails. I haven’t done that for like 12 years.



And of course I’ve been scouring Pinterest looking for some fun nail art. Stay tunes for some cool stuff!!

Have you been tempted to try some nail art?


I'm a mother of 2 who likes to get involved in too much! Besides writing here I started a non-profit, I'm on the PTO board, very active in my community and volunteer in the school. I enjoy music, reading, cooking, traveling and spending time with my family. We just adopted our 3rd cat and love them all!

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  1. FUN! Sally Hansen is my FAVORITE polish!

  2. I’ve been all about painting my nails lately, too. Must be too much time spent on Pinterest! I haven’t gotten brave with patterns though, yours are very cute.

  3. Those are some cute nail designs! I love Sally Hansen nail polishes. They are the best.

  4. I keep wanting to buy stuff to do it, but never have.

  5. Cute! I’m horrible with nails but I could totally handle the stickers.

  6. I don’t do my fingernails but do my toes. I think I should give it a try this summer!

  7. So cute! I could probably do something like that!

  8. Carolyn G says

    Cool! Love that

  9. for some reason I am painting my nails too and I don’t typically do that.

  10. What a cute fun idea to dress up your nail and toes

  11. Those flower stickers are adorable! Perfect for Florida. I love painting my nails, but I don’t have much time, and I hate when they chip. I wish I could afford getting them done again, or finding a good thing that works at home.

  12. That is such a cute look, perfect for spring!

  13. I have been seeing some cute nails lately on Pinterest. I think I want to try some out!

  14. Cute! Ever since I started running I’ve almost given up on my toes.

  15. I love nail art but I am not that creative nor do I have a steady hand. Stickers or those easy to use patterned nail sheets are more my speed.

  16. Very cute. My daughter would love this!

  17. I love the stickers it’s an easy way to make a little WOW! You have beautifully shaped finger nails I wished mine looked that good.

  18. Cute designs! I should paint my nails more often, but I’m always afraid I’ll do it and then have to pick up a baby. :\

  19. The new nail tools are so cool and fun!!

  20. Love having my nails painted, I am not the best at it but it’s so much fun changing the colors weekly.

    And dude your grass is so green!

  21. I’m not coordinated enough to do nail art on my own nails LOL – I love those Sally Hansen nail foils though, I use them a lot.

  22. I can’t do my own nails to save my life, plus I have acrylics. Forget about a self-pedicure–that’s just a disaster.

  23. I don’t have a very steady hand, so those stickers would be perfect for me. Super cute!

  24. My daughter does the dots quite often. Super cute!

  25. Very cute! Unfortunately, I can’t do my own nails because I always mess up, so my daughter does them for me!

  26. Cute! I’ve been playing with Jamberry nail shields. They stay on for a long time and are super cute…maybe I’ll go do that now! LOL

  27. Those are cute. I love the nail stickers.

  28. So cute !! I need to force myself to make time for fun stuff like this!